It was a battle between my queer identity and my biologist identity. For regular browsing and posting, science won out. But I have an account with too to discuss the queer agenda.
science account
It was a battle between my queer identity and my biologist identity. For regular browsing and posting, science won out. But I have an account with too to discuss the queer agenda.
I consider myself a people, and I prefer my body jewelry to be gold if I can afford it. A few pieces are gold-colored anodized titanium (which are fading), but very prominent pieces are solid gold. I like yellow gold, not rose gold. I actually think titanium/“silver” looks more tacky than gold.
But that’s just for pieces of jewelry that go into my body. For bracelets and such, I prefer brass, leather, and shades of brown. I don’t wear necklaces.
Gold cars are disgusting though.
I definitely have my fair share of close crops, especially herps! I also posted a close crop (because it was just that close) of a brown-capped rosy finch to the wildlife photography community today too.
I like to leave some habitat because I find it adds interest and complexity to a photo. Plus, sometimes the birb no longer appears smol if so focused in the photo! I’ve gotten more comfortable with even more distant shots of birbs, too–sometimes I can make raptors look illegally smol.
The gain and then subsequent slashing of human rights based on fascist beliefs and lack of representation (and possibly over representation by fringe groups that capture the news cycle). Across the world, populism and fascism is gaining in popularity - again. It felt like we’d gotten past this point for a minute.
That community didn’t seem too active. I’m trying to boost inactive communities, but that’s too niche for me, lol. I only have ~checks notes~ 23 species photographed!
There is not yet enough content for your sort selection to really matter. I sort by new because at least I’ll see more content as stuff is posted throughout the day.
My plants are (mostly) loving the sunshine! Plant lights can only do so much.
I feel you. My monstera is working on coming back from the dead. I agree with the other comment that this leaf looks pretty useless. Unless you rapidly moved your plant between lighting regimes like I did, it’s probably a normal thing!
Thanks, I will! I only give up when the plant really gives up (or ants invade and it’s not worth it–RIP spider plant).
I always go for a druid-type in games (I have a druid of the coast in a 5e game and now a moon druid in BG3) and I too am frustrated that I can’t really do spells while Bear. But it’s okay, because I am Bear.