• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 6th, 2024


  • I’d say it also turns off people who have expertise in other areas and would chime if there wasn’t so many hurdles.

    Say an astrophysicist wants to connect with the community. Do you think they want to take time out of their day to learn the intricacies of a tool that otherwise has no use to them? Do you think they should have to?

    This will inevitably keep this community gated from having a diverse userbase that Reddit has had at its peak.

  • If you try to solve everything you won’t solve anything. Life is just too complex.

    There aren’t only solvable or unsolvable problems. You also have to consider constraints like time, money, physical and mental health and whatever else you can think of. Which becomes a murky soup of tasks.

    Sometimes it’s just best to say “it is what it is” for your own mental health. I’m sure you’ve done it, you just haven’t thought or said those specific words. Otherwise you’d not be posting on lemmy, you’d be out there solving problems.

  • Ok, so you’ve got it all figured out huh? You earn a lot of money, are in really good shape, eat healthy self prepared food, have a good relationship with everyone around you, have everything in your home organized and tidy, have hobbies that fulfill you… and you still have enough time to post on lemmy.

    All by the power of never giving in to “it is what it is” but instead carefully dissecting and solving everything in your waking life.

    Props my man, what shall we call you? Captain Solveitall? Supersolver? Something else?