SDR is Standard Dynamic Range. This is how most media is viewed and has been viewed for decades, typically in the Rec709 color space. 99% of consumer devices display in SDR.
HDR is a newer technology that expands the dynamic range passed Rec709 color space. It requires an HDR capable screen to display HDR content and most content is not distributed in this format, although this has been changing in the last few years.
I personally find HDR kind of a gimmick, but my point is that HDR != HD. SDR/HDR describe contrast ratios and how many colors are rendered. SD/HD describe resolution.
The chart does show them downgrading the plans from 4K/UHD to HD though.
The wiki entry has a chart which shows all plans have access to HD content. Is the chart wrong or did the contributor confuse SD with SDR?
Either way fuck HBO.
This has been my experience as well. What tweaks are you making to default librewolf?
I’ve been on Lemmy for years and have yet to see a single nsfw post.
I didn’t realize they even existed.
Settle down, partner.
First thing I tried but I think you need to provide it with your YouTube login cookie to download age restricted content.
I can honestly say Ive never used x or twitter. I absolutely hate the format and it seems like a waste of life to scroll through a feed reading quick snippets of text.
At least with a reddit or Lemmy style social media platform, I can click on the text snippet and be brought to a more in depth post about it. And it’s simple to navigate replies for useful information.
Twitter is like somebody yelling something from a megaphone, then a crowd of people screaming over them randomly.
Discord is the next platform that needs to die. Online forums were perfect for what they did, then discord came along and now it’s a nightmare to comb through any type of community or support system for useful information. Again, people screaming into the void…
I use nginx for static websites and TLS passthrough servers.
I use traefik as a reverse proxy for sites with many services and SSO.
Nginx is definitely easier to configure for simple things. But I prefer traefik for more complex setups.
I’m not disagreeing that a Nazi salute is hate speech. Im disagreeing that it’s a sensible course of action to give the government the power to put a human being in a cage for doing it.
Using racial slurs is also hate speech, should a person be imprisoned for using the n-word?
Where it becomes punishable via government intervention to me should be a direct threat of violence on a group of people or call to action to do so.
I’m trying to comprehend what the intended outcome of this type of punishment is anyway. Out of sight, out of mind I guess?
Yes, stripping somebody of their freedom for using a hand gesture is dystopian. Maybe consider that you thinking otherwise makes you a radical on the other side of the spectrum.
There’s a reason fascism is becoming more popular across the globe and it’s accelerated by these overreactions. It feeds into right wing narratives and pushes people on the fence into becoming radical right more than just letting these idiots babble their bullshit and be seen for the fools they are.
I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info.
I’m sorry but why is this so heavily upvoted?
Anit-semitism and any other form of hate speech is abhorrent, but imprisonment for a gesture is absolutely dystopian.
Zip it, Scotty
Are you sure you’re not getting your measurements wrong? In my experience most table saw blades are 1/8". 1/4" is pretty thick for a blade that isn’t a dado stack. They make blades even thinner than 1/8" that are perfectly safe as long as they’re used within their rated rpms.
I’ve routed grooves before on a handful of projects. A router with a template will make things easier if you have many grooves. If its only a few, a table saw is fine. The problem with the table saw is the time it will take to adjust the fence for each new cut.
I had similar concerns in the past. I decided to move all of my VPS hosted services to a physical server that I control. I then use a VPS as a portal, set to simply forward traffic without unencrypting the HTTPS. Look up SSL pass through.
You should publish a guide once you do it. That sounds pretty interesting.
FBI, open up!
Jk. Thank you for your service
Compressed air can spin the fans fast enough to cause damage unfortunately.
Did you use compressed air to clean out the fans?
It’s possible to fry circuitry if you artificially rotate the fans too fast, as this generates an electric field more powerful than the fans and their attached components are rated for.
Probably rare to cause damage with modern computers but an old PC might be more susceptible to this type of damage.