Which game are you playing?
Which game are you playing?
I’ve been thinking about grabbing a Steam Deck, hence why I’m in this community. This shows me what it would be like to travel with one, so thanks for the write up!
I’m having the same problem…
Just commented how I appreciated your support of another app in another comment. Keep up the great work, the Lemmy community thanks you!
Respecting the honest feedback and nod to another app. Great work on Memmy, it’s come a very long way in such a short time.
Yeah, Avelon and Mlem are different apps. I prefer Avelon. Memmy is great but I just prefer Avelon myself. Feels more my design style with the choices the dev has made.
I need to get my library card as I believe my local library supports Libby too. How long can you have the digital book “checked out”?
I think you may be on to something here…
I’ve thought about getting in to PC gaming myself. I have a switch, PS5, and Xbox X (whatever the newest one is). I’d keep the switch and maybe get a steam deck. Have completely mobile games.
It’s on my to-do list.
I’m using it now and it’s quite smooth. Very grateful for the update!
But the reality is that Netflix’s decision has turned into a good business decision. People who lost access to a shared account have created one. Something like 6M new accounts.
But corporations are people.
Laws for thee and not for me…