Its because the other exclusives are the devs/publishers launcher. While epic was actively seeking those 1year exclusivity deals to get more users on the platform.
Its because the other exclusives are the devs/publishers launcher. While epic was actively seeking those 1year exclusivity deals to get more users on the platform.
I’d say the reviewed aren’t too biased, while the gameplay itself is really really fun the score gets some points off due to server issues, the reviewers knows it’s temporary, while the players score are justified for the time being, the reviewers won’t review bomb for a temporary issue
Fuck sake that hit me hard
OR you get an adblocker
If I recall pollymc had a controversy about something that made everyone drop it for some reason, can’t recall what it was though
I agree with you, thing is: Nintendo produces Nintendo exclusives, so it doesn’t affect the gaming space as much as other games might
You’re confusing the platform with the app the platform used, not the same thing
The fact that people shit on every proprietary software saying FOSS is better.
While FOSS is definitely good for the consumer. Proprietary is sometimes just better in function ¯\(ツ)/¯
Might be a hot take but it’s also justified to try and make money from software development that is not prefatory
I agree with your statement.
The main problem lies with the fact that the game already is online only, so adding denuvo feels a bit like a fuck you sign from the publishers. And adding the fact that payday 2 thrives from the modding community makes it hard to know if modding will be possible and encouraged by the devs with payday 3
They set it up weirdly but it’s because it has a launcher that you chose what to play iirc so in actually TMCC is a launcher that acts as a bundle that’s a base game in steam while every game acts as a DLC for said main game, but when you buy the “DLC” you get the launcher with it.
As an addition to what he said. Some game will not work no matter what you do mainly because of anti-cheats. Some examples would be R6S, Destiny 2, any recent COD game, the site AreWeAntiCheatYet shows that list.
I’m in Nvidia EndevourOS (archbased) installed it with KDE X11, honestly didn’t see any issues with it, the only real downside is that you don’t have the profile manager per 3D app like on windows. Neither do you have Reflex, other than that everything works well.
Why is steam trash?
That much I’m aware of, question is if there’s a convenient converter of playlist as well as a bulk download of said playlist, I know deemix is a thing which is how I initially got my playlists but having an expanding library is an issue as you can only download slowly a file at a time through other services
Now to hijack and ask, does someone have a tool that can download a Spotify playlist to FLAC?
It gives you a lot of convenience, auto updates, and dependencies. While it is nice being up to date by checking the git and making it by yourself it is much more convenient to have a package manager for it when you have many Make packages
Hmmm seems like the text doesn’t show up on Jerboa
Well it really depends how you look at it. For the devs it’s better in terms of how much they get per purchase given that epic takes a lower cut than steam, IIRC 15% as opposed to 30%.
But many users hate epic as a platform seeing how it’s not as mature in features, and probably just pure love of steam.
What I’m actually wondering about is if it’s worth signing the exclusivity deal seeing how some people will not bother buying a game on a platform they hate or do enough people purchase for it to even out and even gain a larger profit.