Why do you keep linking to ycombinator and not the actual article?
Why do you keep linking to ycombinator and not the actual article?
How does lemmy make money?
Also, hasn’t youtube been wildly profitable for years? Profit, by definition is excess. It’s what’s left over after all business expense have been paid.
If youtube is profitable, why do they need more profit? Oh yeah, they don’t.
Sorry this needs to be spelled out for you.
Banning advertising will cause people to rely on word of mouth.
Now, instead of some nameless entity telling you a product is the greatest thing, you’ll be able to hold people accountable for the things they recommend you.
I wonder how lemmy makes money…
Oh wait. It’s almost like ads only exist so people can make a living doing nothing.
It’s only going to get worse.
Shoving more ads in people’s faces just desensitizes them to it so you can keep adding even more ads into the mix.
“You were okay with 2 ads, why not 3?”
“You were okay with 3 ads, why not 5?”
Repeat until the end of time, or until the masses stop being dumbasses and work together to topple the ruling class.
P.S. I have no respect for anyone in the advertising industry. They are all scum worth less than the gum under my shoe.
He’s talking out of his ass.
This isn’t news.
People should really mention the protocol used more often.
These services can work together because they support the ‘ActivityPub’ protocol. Any service that supports ActivityPub can communicate with any other service that does.
This is why we have protocols.
Woah dude, you’re getting right into my point of projection.
Just because you want to use your excess to get even more excess, you’re assuming that everyone else will. Why eschew luxurious so those who have less can have more? You’d never project that lol, cause that’s not how you feel.
Have a good day, man. Hope I enlightened you a bit.
Gonna block you now cause I feel you have nothing to offer me. See ya.