I’m out of the loop, what’s going on with RD?
I’m out of the loop, what’s going on with RD?
No, it would not. Because in your system, one party has wrestled control by gerrymandering. Any support funnelled away to a third party helps them immensely. But that’s obvious to anyone over 14.
Wow, I’m wondering how anyone would trust this software. It literally exposes your desktop. To me that requires top-tier trust level, i.e. nothing sketchy at all.
Let me guess, the OP will choose to ignore this extremely relevant critical response.
I had a similar reaction. But I’m almost done Season 4 and it’s a great show. And the theme song is stuck in my head, just like it was while binging the other shows. Odd.
A touchscreen laptop is no where near the fidelity you get with the Apple pencil or a Samsung s-pen.
Also, long-pressing the comment navigator FAB thingy (in comments) will scroll in the other direction.
You missed the part where the driver was conscious and couldn’t escape from the inside due to locked doors.
Nope that’s on me. Got it, thanks.
Sync is a fork of Infinity? Wow, I didn’t know that.
Except the article is saying that they purposely inflated the number it gives.
What, is there no system tray? What was wrong with the system tray??
Note that you can block specific accounts it you want. If you see an irritant you can block it.
I have the same concern, with regards to the IP address. However, my experience with the shared SearxNG instances is they are often throttled by the engines. So it’s a trade-off. What about using a VPN?
Actual Budget looks really good. Does anyone know of something similar that can track investments?
Delta Force
Any surprises here? Good on Karlsson!
Foyle’s War. A British drama about a detective in England during World War 2.
Excellent acting, and the period backdrop is very well-written. Gives you a bit of a sense of what it was like to live during that period.