Man it’s a good thing that Darryl Morey didn’t like, take a huge gamble on him, based on their history together.
James Harden was a transcendent offensive talent, even though he’s never been much fun to watch. But I can’t remember a player who has had a sadder (or quicker?) descent from MVP-caliber to actively cancerous ring-chaser.
He’ll still probably get a ring, somewhere. IF (and it’s a big if, actually) he can stay healthy, stay in shape, and be comfortable actually being the third or fourth best guy on a title team.
This is the real answer.
There are still, in the year 2023, Cobal developers graduating and getting hired to work on software.
My alma mater’s website runs on PHP.
The investment to flip even a microservice from one language to another is REALLY high, and most companies won’t pay unless there’s a significant pain point. They might not greenfield new projects with it anymore - but it will still be around effectively forever.