Yep. All because Bart tried to resurrect Snowball I.
Yep. All because Bart tried to resurrect Snowball I.
To be fair, a civic del sol is a step away from being a mountain bike with extra wheels and doors, so I recommend that it be exempted from the “heavy machinery” category.
Had me up until the last sentence, then faith restored.
types wolfram alpha (I presume) finds the solution in less than 20 seconds
OP’s referring to the days before live text was a thing. Now you can just point your camera at a Jackson Pollock and get the solution to the square root of aleph null divided by Rayo’s number as quickly as it takes to open the app.
tf? You mean to tell me that there’s something billies can’t money their way out of? I’m temporarily impressed, right up until they do that, too.
Thank you very much for your work creating mlem, and I wish you the very best!
Best wishes and gratitude to David, and thank you for the update!
Apollo user here, can confirm: I really love its interface. Wiped the Reddit account nevertheless.
Technically correct is the best correct?
Agreed on all points, friend.
I grew up in it, too, and now I’m a basic LaVeyan Satanist. gg authoritarian regressives!
Well done, friend!
Wow, who shit in that guy’s omelette
Disregard that, the beta’s full atm
mlem beta for iOS works this way, too, you just have to download TestFlight to use it
I’ve sat under much more than that, but I was in a vehicle moving through a tunnel. The seats were comfortable enough.