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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • For me definitely steps, I walk 5000 steps on a work day, when I actually have time off its more like 10K steps. I would stop working and just walk with my dog for an full hour every day. Combine that with normal daily stuff I’ll definitely get 10K steps (2500 euros/dollars) every day. That’s almost a million a year.

  • If this would also mean I can drive at the max allowed speed and can’t get fines I would actually like this. I don’t really feel the need for speed anyway, the maximum allowed speed usually is fine for me. But some countries like France switch a lot between 130 and 110, so most of my speeding tickets are because I didn’t see the 110 sign immediately and there is a speed camera.

    If this solution let’s you go a max speed with zero tickets I would use it.

  • I work in software development, I understand websites, webservices and the backend it all runs on at a pretty deep level.

    But I never owned an Apple device. So whenever my wife (iMac user) has a problem and I try to help, I struggle with all the basic shit. I don’t know the interface, don’t know the menu structure, don’t have muscle memory for basic key bindings (like copy paste).

    Same with my parents, a few years ago my dad gave my mom his old iphone, didn’t do any factory reset etc. She used logged out his apple id and logged in hers. But the apps he installed refused to update, very little information from the device about the problem. They don’t know you shouldn’t do this and just give me the phone and say apps don’t update. It took me a while to figure out what the hell was even going on.