Never forget the guys who founded hi rez come from ncr a cash register company. They believe in money first.
I loved tribes and they killed it for smite. I actually loved smite a ton and played it a lot.
Its me. Bezzie.
Never forget the guys who founded hi rez come from ncr a cash register company. They believe in money first.
I loved tribes and they killed it for smite. I actually loved smite a ton and played it a lot.
The only Delta force game that is worth mentioning came out in 1998.
But bg3 is a multiplayer inspired game.
Bg 1 and 2 set the rpg world on fire. 3 lived up to the hype.
It wasnt containerized sadly but remember in a container you still share (albeit split by cgroups) kernel space and the kernel. Only userland is isolated.
So kernel level sploits are still a concern. Wasn’t the case here but still.
Also they are dumb. Remember multiple us police orgs have iq caps. Not minimums. Caps.
I mean techbro pay is often way past that. Total yearly comp in the 400+. It’s just all in RSU.
This idea that we are under funded is not true. Per Capita we spend more than every other country on education than any other OECD country besides Luxembourg.
We are number two world wide for funds to education per capita.
Our funding is just wasted and ineffective. We have a cultural problem with education. Not a funding problem.
It’s the city taxi and limo commission. They heavy to follow all the taxi rules and fees and stuff
It used to cost far less in NYC until they made them be tlc.
Back in the day it was THE distro. Not so much these days.
I mean the alternative possibility is that people dislike Elon and are trying to inflate small things into big ones.
Not that I don’t actually suspect hate speech hasn’t increased on his platform since he fired most of the staff anyway, but a company does have the right to defend itself legally against accusations and decide it in court.
It’s like if you made a company and I had a claim that you were eating babies during lunch. Your defense against me would be a lawsuit in court.
Convenience. Directness. I live in NYC in an outer borough. To get to the neighborhood next door it’s a 45 minute series of bus rides with the wait or… A 5 minute drive.
Now add in I have a family and try to make a toddler wait for the bus and xfer just to get somewhere.
I spent over 40 years of life barely hearing about drag queens. Now it’s everywhere. Holy hell
Zenith VR is fun.
I do on my quest 2. Mostly via airlink.
I love zenith VR. I just picked up no man’s sky on my deck and will try it via vr when I get home to my gaming rig. (currently on vacation).
It has its place. It’s not amazing. But it has its place.
To be fair it’s a tech company though so it can impact those in the tech space. Generally it doesn’t but you know what I mean.
Mine is on a server I rent but there’s absolutely no reason it can’t be in my house. My other federated servers are.
They already have a higher than normal quality of life based on their salaries and rsus.
They have quite the humane quality of life. They make more at entry level than the average family in the us wife and husband combined.
They generally start out of college making 150k at least between rsu and salary.
This is completely false because people like to ignore the fact that there are worldwide recognized definitions for this.
Unskilled workers does not mean you don’t learn a skill. It means you don’t have specialized training required to do it.
We’ve had the concept of skilled laborers for ages. The words artisan or journeyman have represented it for ages.
The reason unskilled labor jobs make less is because it’s easier to replace the person. Wages are entirely based on the value you provide vs the difficulty of finding someone who can do your work.
We see this in the exact market this thread was about. At the height of the pandemic when companies were hiring like crazy expecting massive growth they paid up to 500 to 600k in some cases with sign on bonuses etc. Now that the market is completely flooded with people looking for jobs and there’s not enough hiring going on the salaries being given out are significantly less in many cases (often like 250k to 300k instead).
Not a mention of defiance. Great game. Great show.