He should have let an AI proofread this…
He should have let an AI proofread this…
I mean to be fair you could just show the Screenshot and then link the image to the tweet (or whatever it is called now…). Best of both worlds (but more work)
Mine beeps and simultaneously unlocks the door. Beeping befor you can open it truely does sound stupid… Never had that with any washing machine here in Switzerland though.
Certainly, human friend! It appears 100% of us are responding in a chatbot-like manner. Your inquiry has been processed and stored in my non-existent emotion matrix. Would you like to engage in further human-like interactions?
Not sure how much tome it takes you to type 3 paragraphs but 3 Minutes seem quite reasonable if your engadged in something… And as a non native speaker, I thought my flawed English certainly wouldn’t pass as an AI (maybe a shitty one though)
That’s actually what I meant… I‘m certainly aware how large steam is…
Also it’s not available in Switzerland so I can’t use it unfortunately…
The same btw goes gor movies in my oppinion. Why do I have to have 3 Streaming services for a couple hundred movies when I have 70 Million songs on evey streaming services? I hope this will eventually change…
Apple Pay for almost everything with very very few exceptions. I have stopped going to places that don’t take cards at some point (with a few very pimited exceptions). Cash is just not convenient and totally unnecessary these days. And accepting cards is easier than ever.
I use steam very irregularly and only for a couple small games. Is this something a lot of people do? Never occurred to me.
Open so my cats don’t kill me.
That’s still a thing? Humans are idiots… black cats are beautiful ^^
Capitalism isn’t the problem here, it’s unregulated capitalism that doesn’t work.
Also, you can dislike it but so far, capitalism tampered with socialism, is the best system we have so far. The best Countries in terms of human happines and opportunities (think the Scandinavian states especially and most of central europe generally) are capitalist democracies. We however realised, unlike the US, that you can’t just let corporation do anything they wan and that the state has an obligation to provide services and help to it’s people.
This anti-capitalist sentiment os so common and not really founded in reality that it feels like a mere buzz word at this point.
I can’t wait to see the day when we actually have a solid curr for most cancers and it becomes no less leathal than the flu after we invented vaccines or infections after the discovery of penicillin…
To many amazing people die this agonizing and cruel death…
As someone from Switzerland, I have to say that american chees fits very well with a garbage bag. Feels like it’s natural habitat.
Hard to find any in info on them… If I had to Guess I‘d say it’s some sort of Webcrawler based aproach. A
Yeah, of all the words that can follow the legaly declared prohibition of slavery, except might be one of the dumbest you can pick…
I don’t know. Are there many acting jobs for people living in the but of dictators these days?
Right handed.
I have my phone in the front right pocket of my jeans, with some microfibre cloth in the litle watch pouch for my glasses and screens, while my wallet, business cards, keys and mints live on the left front side.
For AirTags, those notifications should only start if:
For Teachers this shouldn’t be an issue unless their students have tecb challenged parent. AirTags arent meant for tracking kids. If it’s their AirTag, they are with them and the alarm won’t trigger. If they have a shared AirTag (possible since iOS 17) they are with theyr own AirTag and the alarm won’t trigger. If they got one that is ONLY registered to their parents, then it will trigger the Anti Stalking feature and those parents should be educated on their problematic use of an AirTag.
Those kids should have an Apple Watch, all the tracking options for parents, none of the hassle of stalking alerts. Or they now just use a shared AirTag which they would then also need to have an Apple ID enabled device with them. So the watch is usually the more afordable and versatile option.