Is this real?? Do you have the source?
Is this real?? Do you have the source?
Cool! Out of curiosity, what was the trigger and/or motivation to make the switch?
Thank you for expanding on this topic, and I get what you’re saying about proper UX and how it requires a holistic understanding.
It least that is what is required to climb from “ok, I guess” to “good”. But is there something that could get us from “terrible” to “ok, I guess”? What’s your take on better, clearer design guidelines for example?
Well, people make good code that is open source, even though it doesn’t make them any money. Same with wikipedia articles.
So why are we not seeing more contributions in the form of better UX/UI it the open source world? I don’t see a logical reason why that has to be the case. The question is what can we do to change it, and also get UX-designers on board?
Check out this guy and his research if you haven’t already. Confirms what you describe, with some rally alarming numbers and data to back it up
I’m lost for words.
…what if the whole family is watching? Does everyone have to raise their hands and yell “McDonalds”? Including the kids?
This might just as well be used in “smart” fridges. “Do this corporate dance to get 20% off your next Corn Flakes”