🤣 the fact that he’s lying about how much he pays in taxes to reduce taxes might be a clue.
🤣 the fact that he’s lying about how much he pays in taxes to reduce taxes might be a clue.
OK, but america had already been established. You have to ask who were the groups that pushed those policies. AoC is part of the machine that invades countries doesn’t mean she advocates for it.
Something stuck out to me in your response and that’s the religious aspect of the oppression.
Trump said he would annex canada. Either he really knows or he really doesn’t. I believe the latter. I also believe he’s just doing what elon tells him to do.
Iz-rah-el who’s iz-rah-el?
Can’t trust crack heads
Man this is really smart comment and I was on board till I realized we’ve seen this man without a shirt. That is indeed his real shape.
This is the thing though. Let ppl have their opinion of you. You did a selfish thing, thought screw the community or lack there of. Let people shame you for being selfish, value is perspective at least enjoy it.
“But I am the king!!!”
Manhunt is a cinematic experience.
Is MGS meets stylish kills.
Anyone else alarmed that she looks like Tulsi?
Dam I never thought about it
Rofl, “she thinks she looks hot but she just looks like a bitch”
That’s not what happen.
This man basically declared war on Canada. I had to double take the sub.
Ty for saying nothing, here’s another nothing burger
The only one talking like that is you
I don’t think that’s a age thing.
Ppl pretend like women can be racist. Nah, they’re worse they’re just better at hiding it.