I’m going to take a wild stab and guess you listen to pop/rap? Understandable why you’d not like classical. I can’t stomach any pop/rap save for a few 90s artists. Whenever I hear it its just gross and non musical to me (Deltron 3030 not included). Ive also never been into lyric focused music unless it has more than an annoying single bass note and 16th note hihats behind it. Classical is interesting for musicians, and it’s proven in studies to be healthy for your mind. But yeah you don’t have to like it!
Question on this, how would you expect the millions of people that heat/cool their homes to get by? Or are you advocating for a return to caves ? Unless you’re saying shut those down to build nuclear/solar/wind, which also takes a lot of dirty manufacturing to build. It’s kind of a no-win with this many humans.