When people ask a farmer how they’ve managed to keep their tractor running for 50 years
“The secret ingredient is crime”
When people ask a farmer how they’ve managed to keep their tractor running for 50 years
“The secret ingredient is crime”
Human is endoskeleton optimized crab. Arthropod crab is exoskeleton optimized crab.
“Garbage in garbage out”
“Garbage in garbage out”
“With enough garbage the model will become sentient”
I understand why people always say things like this. It’s the not having a choice that ruins eternity. Fortunately it seems that such a fate is physically impossible in this reality. Even if you were made of the most durable possible material, you would still fundamentally be composed of baryonic matter, which means if you fell into a star, collided with a celestial object at relativistic speed, or fell into a black hole, you would surely die. There is always a way out for an enterprising immortal, and afterwards sweet nothing.
I don’t know what’s wrong with this instance, but almost every single image you guys upload takes forever to load, if it ever does. I suspect it’s small and getting a perpetual hug of death, but dam. Makes me feel like it’s the late 90s or early 2000s with the load times.
As someone raised by Christians I’m glad you made it out too.
I just want to say that string theory is in all likelihood complete bullshit and I’m tired of people acting like it’s not.
When you stand up and lock your knees
If you make a bootable linux usb drive you can do whatever you want with all windows stupid files without even having to install linux.
Gonna have to go with lasered off. I slept with a girl who had it done and I swear to god it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen or touched. Smooth, soft, not an ingrown hair or razor bump to be seen, and from what she said basically zero maintenance compared to anything else. I recognize this is a personal preference because I’m not really into any body hair. Honestly thinking about getting it done myself. Nothing like a smooth soft ballsack.
You actually get payed to get a phd. Not a lot, and in fact most phd programs likely don’t pay you enough to live, but you shouldn’t be paying the university. Any phd program that requires you to pay is a scam.
Business majors are ruining the world one quarter at a time.
That’s ok accessory fruit club is pretty cool. I always preferred drupe club though.
I love a woman who knows what she wants and takes steps to get it <3