Doctor Herbert West is peak Jeffrey Combs and I will die on this hill (having seen none of his work in proper theater).
Doctor Herbert West is peak Jeffrey Combs and I will die on this hill (having seen none of his work in proper theater).
I grudgingly admire the way the 3D wraparound tile was done. I mean it’s horrible, but it’s perhaps the best possible way to accomplish this particular version of horrible.
Yeah I’m sure there are plenty of people who have the sense to think it through like you did, it’s just that I encounter the other type a couple times a week and felt like bitching about it.
Back-in-only spaces with the arrows pointed accordingly is sounding more and more like a superior solution.
Lots of people with sound, logical explanations of why it’s better and easier but nobody talking about, with the common angled parking lots these days, how you then end up pulling out the opposite direction of everyone else and going the wrong way down a one way lane or doing a u-turn and basically fucking everything up for anyone else.
I haven’t seen it, but apparently it all takes place on the planet where they live or something. So yeah they experience stuff and comment in the same way, but it’s maybe not quite the same.
Word on the street (well, the IMDB reviews which I admit hardly passes for the street) is they screwed up by not having these dudes on Earth like in the comic, experiencing things that are mundane to us but strange to them and giving their uniquely literal blue perspective on it all.
Daily. Work in a warehouse that has a few dark corners, repair equipment that I want to see better. At home I do things like move sprinklers around after dark or take the trash out to the can at the alley, also keep a light at my nightstand if I need to get up late at night. Have a warm light for making coffee in the winter months when I need to get ready for work before dawn.
I suppose the “best” way would be to distribute the big communities over different instances, like one instance gets “pics”, another gets “memes”, someone else gets “news”, etc. But of course that will never happen.
Was so tempted to get an LT1S Pro just for Anduril, but honestly I like the original emitters a lot. Couple of great snags for sure 👍
Twin Peaks GLaDOS test with me.
I have both, E12r all the way due mostly to the better driver and optic. Plus I also like how it’s visually smaller due to the way the button area is flat rather than angled. (Some speak highly of the angled button’s ergonomics though so ymmv.) Another thing is the smooth ramping on my E12c isn’t very smooth at all.
I totally remember choosing not to bother with this one because the first one was perfect.