Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.
Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.
Simon Kinberg? Writer of X-Men the Last Stand, Fant4stic, X-Men Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix? That Simon Kinberg?
Hard pass.
“Why do we have Fruit Loops in this country that have 18 or 19 ingredients and you go to Canada and it’s got two or three?”
Goddammit don’t make me agree with RFKJr. With that said I have a feeling we’d disagree on how to rectify it.
I never was able to get the combat system at all. I resorted to bow and arrow for the entire game.
My human… I am unequivocally one hundred billion percent behind you with regards to who you are and how you present. With that said… it seems to me that expecting a crpg from the NINETIES to have character customization in line with today’s social norms thirty ish years later kinda falls on you. Furthermore asking for a refund 8 months post purchase (where Steam’s policy has ever been two WEEKS) after failing to research even at a base level… I think you just gotta kiss that eight bucks goodbye (or whatever it was at time of purchase).
Where did the English muffin come in?
I’m trying real hard here. Not getting it.
100% of kids are dumb. So far.
Man that sucks. A Chamber of Commerce ought to do much more than that. For instance, ours has always been a great resource for us. Frequently it’s networking events and such, but if we ever need anything, they find the people to help. When we needed capital they figured that out for us too. Our CoC has been an amazing partner for four years now and I highly doubt we’d ever consider leaving.
IIRC their office flooded, destroying equipment and much of the game’s development with it.
Hasn’t SQ42 already had multiple release date announcements? This is a joke, right?
Are there Quarians in this game?
Really not sure how to interpret ‘cozy’ here, but tbh the Farcry series are great for me in that they’re my casual shooters. I say this meaning that I do the shooting when I want to do the shooting – otherwise I’m off paragliding or picking flowers or something else low stress and soothing. To me, in that regard, they’re very cozy.
Either people didn’t get your sarcasm or they didn’t like it. Not sure which is worse.
Yup it is. Most recent example is Space Marine 2. I don’t have a problem paying full price if the review consensus is that it’s good enough to warrant it. So I waited for the reviews, and my most trusted reviewers lavished it so I bought it day one. Lo and behold it lived up.
I don’t expect the same for ES6.
Honestly I’m expecting a hot steaming pile of garbage given their trajectory. Just another fantasy veneer on the same tired Bethesda formula rife with bugs. My expectations are so low, in fact, my plan is to wait for a good sale to get it, or until I hear that it’s released in a playable state but still post release.
Yes but when SteamOS for desktop??
Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long, long time.