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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2024


  • So when people constantly call us deluded, cult followers, bots, shills, brainwashed, fascists, bigots, trump supporters, and any other number of dehumanizing insults, often coming into our spaces to do so, all the while themselves defending some of the most violent and evil people in history in the name of “lesser evil”, are we supposed to just turn the other cheek and never respond in kind? When we witness the regular defense of the people ensuring the destruction of Palestine continues, are we supposed to just patiently and calmly explain how genocide is bad, actually? When dot worlders accuse me of faking being trans and being a privileged child, am I not justified in losing my temper? Y’all do not even try to understand where we are coming from, constantly use strawman arguments and put words in our mouths, but we’re supposed to smile politely while you spit in our faces? Like this is literally a thread spawning from an OP that is just an ableist insult, and yet some of us are still in here trying to talk things out despite that!

    And it’s not like it’s limited to Lemmy, right? Literally everywhere I go I have to either tolerate anti-communist red scare bullshit, transphobia, ableism, misogyny, etc., or I have to try and have stressful and exhausting conversations with people who never, ever take me seriously. So yeah, we’re kind of on edge! If you get shit on for that when it wasn’t deserved, then I’m genuinely sorry, and I wish it wasn’t something that happens. But can you at the least understand that it is not a one-way street here?

  • Trump and Biden, or rather Democrats and Republicans, are functionally the same. If you don’t see that it’s either because you aren’t affected by their violence and don’t care about people who are, or because you’re a fool. Quit wasting your time on these dead ends and recognize reality, the bourgeoisie are the only people with real power in the US. Any choices the masses are given electorally that may come to pass are insignificant to the greater capitalist and imperialist power structure. At most they are concessions (which can later be rolled back) to pacify you. Stop being the obedient dog of your owners! If you really want to improve this dumpster fire of a country, join your local communist party and start building the foundation for a better future. And for fucks sake, read some books about how capitalism works so you stop getting caught with your pants down. If you actually care at all and want some recommendations or links I’d be happy to provide what I can.