I’ll second that. I’ve been using them for 4 or 5 years, and have been pleased.
There even was a day where there was an outage for my server, and they made it right by giving everyone credits roughly equal to 3 years of service or something. I thought that was overkill, and I guess they’ll take a loss on it, but… the instincts are nice. It seems like a place where it’s some dude taking care of servers, rather than a giant corporation who is more focused on extracting money than providing a great service for a reasonable cost.
I thought that was the sensible solution, though – you have your own domain names, but then use some reputable e-mail provider for the actual server.
E.g., I use mxroute, and wouldn’t imagine setting up the e-mail servers myself, even though I still wind up having to muck about in the DNS records when getting things set up.
On the note of corporate addresses, I remember that I had a bigfoot.com e-mail address, that was supposed to be “permanent”, and work as a forwarding thing, as I switched between various ISPs for my e-mail address.
It was significantly less permanent than having my own domains. And, with Google, we never quite know when they’re get bored or run into money issues. But some of my domains? I’ll probably have them as long as I’m alive, and that’s probably long enough.