It was the original definition of “gooning”: wikipedia
Sadly the traumatic kidnapping was generally the least bad part of the experience, since the camps were/are incredibly abusive.
It was the original definition of “gooning”: wikipedia
Sadly the traumatic kidnapping was generally the least bad part of the experience, since the camps were/are incredibly abusive.
Didn’t both genres, tower defense and MOBA, evolve from Warcraft III mods / custom levels? I don’t think it’s too outlandish to get them confused if you aren’t into them.
“But it wouldn’t hit the fan so much if we stopped using Microsoft’s half-baked products!”
It always falls on deaf ears. I can’t believe how many millions my employer throws at Microsoft every year just to complain about how broken it is.
Usually organic stuff is 2-4x more expensive around here, so my eyes tend to slip right over them.
Every place I’ve worked for seems to have them figured out ahead of time based on how little they want to give in raises.
No, because the monsters would get me.
A heart attack is a damaging lack of blood flow to the heart. This is very often caused by your heart beating wrong (or not at all) but can have many other causes. It’s also important to note that the heart largely does not receive oxygen from the blood inside it; it has its own set of blood vessels on the outside feeding it. Therefore you can have a heart attack even though the pumping portions are completely clear.
It’s possible for the blood flow to be slowed so far by blockages that your heart starts taking damage, yet still struggles on for five days. Definitely not a common scenario, but it does highlight just how varied and uneven heart attack symptoms are. Which just makes the whole thing that much scarier in my opinion.
Definitely still common in rural areas. I was hoping it was a generational thing, but it’s been passed down to the zoomers having kids out here.
Heartburn is a type of pain usually caused by acid reflux, but can be mimicked by a heart attack.
I hadn’t even considered that Kier and his twin represented the innie-outie relationship. I figured it was just the usual “religion is weird about masturbating” thing. I’ll need to rewatch because that’s a lot to dig into. I’d like to figure out what the “small bride” represents as well.
It does feel like the end goal of the Kier religion is to sever everyone, indoctrinate all innies, then discard the outies and rule as gods.
I don’t think those are supposed to be clones in the episode. When we last see them standing together on the cliff it’s very apparent they are just similar looking people with similar work outfits.
Yeah, I love that they’re exploring themes you don’t often see on TV. The importance of regulation and transparency, how religion manipulates people, and even antinatalism.
It was absolutely beautiful, no question. The acting is incredible as always, too.
But I do not like the pacing this season. Season one was very steady and purposeful, building slowly to the climax in the last couple episodes. This season started even more frantic than the finale, and has been all over the place since. The events of this episode feel rushed. They feel like inevitable outcomes to what’s been set up, but without the escalation in-between.
Still loving this season, but I think I liked S1 more so far.
I see it as a CNC for paper and similar materials. I steal my spouse’s at least once per year, often for making stencils for painting projects or for making layered lightboxes.
Yeah, I kinda assumed all elections from here on out will be like Russia: you can vote for whoever you want, but it won’t count and you’re going to get a visit afterwards.
I had to look this place up. I was not aware the federal government ran a theater. Is this something the president has any legal control over or is he just doing as he pleases?
Had a guy come out a couple years ago to fix ours. Turns out the pump was completely mummified in hair. He didn’t bother trying to clean it and just replaced the whole pump.
Yeah, I had to check the community because I believed it too.
Dril is the ultimate spiritual guide. Always the perfect mix of profound and idiotic.
One old lady started coming in once a week or so to rant at me about all sorts of stuff happening in her life. Every single time I would nod along wordlessly until she wandered off. Every single time she would find my manager and file a complaint that I was swearing at her. My manager let two of the complaints stick so she could deny me raises, but would never file the third. It felt like a conspiracy sometimes, but it never happened to anyone else as far as I could tell and the lady never stopped coming in.
If it added value then I wouldn’t be opposed. But I don’t see what value AI could possibly add to a social network. Some specific fields, like researchers combing through large data sets, have benefitted from AI. Every other place it’s been shoehorned into has suffered for it.
If you see a problem and realize AI could address it, then that’s fantastic. If you’re coming at it from the other direction and looking for problems then you’re going to waste everyone’s time.