Amateur tobacco blender, developer, coffee & tea enthusiast
oh? Nice! Will give that a try this weekend!
Proton Pass does do a BitWarden import so I will probably run with that for awhile.
Export was JSON, keypassXC supports CSV so converted to CSV but the import seemed scrambled. Just didn’t work well. I see there is an issue on bitwarden import but isn’t ready yet for keepassXC
Just wish KeepassXC supported Bitwarden export. Tried that earlier this week and it was no good. So staying on Bitwarden. I did install Proton Pass and tried it out. It is not as intrusive as Bitwarden on Android for permissions. Staying on Bitwarden for now . . . I hate passwords . . .
Probably a PCMag puff piece placed by a marketing firm for Reddit. Happens a lot.
Maybe IBM can hire the Reddit CEO when he is fired to head up Red Hat. Seems like a perfect fit
Yeah, Lemmy bot net. I looked at one server and it was ridiculous the number of users vs active. My guess is the servers that had open signups got hammered with bot signups
I have gone back and forth on KeePassXC and Bitwarden. I usually do a yearly reset of all my passwords and that is when i do the switch. I’m fine with Bitwarden but permissions to make it easy on Android phone seems excessive. You guys are prompting me to reexamine.
Anyone try self-hosting VaultWarden?
I like NameCheap to buy domains but usually use Cloudflare for DNS records
Blueification of Red Hat . . . sad times
There is also this
I rolled my own docker-compose.yml because I host other services using Caddy as well
neovim but prefer to debug in vscode
What will happen is Meta will give someone a giant teddy bear just like they do at the State Fair. Then everyone rushes to try and win the giant teddy bear but can never seem to win the ring toss no matter how much they click.
I feel like it is heading in the right direction. It is great that users control the feed instead of corporate interests.
I think in general users feel giddy and hopeful like when starting a BBS in pre-internet days and birth of the consumer internet. Possibilities bring hope. Let’s hope it continues.
I myself stood up lemmy instance to try things out and feel the same giddy feeling.
I got sick of vendors being a year behind on updates which would prompt me to use a custom ROM. Decided to finally just get a pixel and live with the fact I will never be able to de-google myself unless I totally leave the eco-system