Words can have multiple meanings - it might be best to find one that doesn’t have the same baggage that conservative has, such as “risk-averse”
Words can have multiple meanings - it might be best to find one that doesn’t have the same baggage that conservative has, such as “risk-averse”
Is there a similar issue with AMD?
My now-husband thought a good first date was to compile gentoo on my computer with KDE 4.0 (so raw that folders/desktop/drag and drop didn’t work). 13 years later, I finally decided to use Arch on one of my computers… the other two are still Ubuntu, though that’s likely to change.
I still can’t quite figure out why I kept dating him and eventually married him. Maybe it’s the free tech support?
His appointments to e.g. the FCC suggest that he’s not opposed to progressive voices and is willing to put them in positions of power. Would I like him to be even more to the left? Sure, but he has to actually govern, so I think he’s doing a pretty decent job balancing the demands of the situation.
My 2yo has a shirt that says “dinos are a girls best friend”. I have to say, I could get behind that. Other top contenders: clothing with decent size pockets, dogs, and snacks.
Browser fingerprints are easy enough to block or mimic, though, at least for the solutions I’ve messed with. JavaScript based solutions in particular are tricky because of the privacy implications and the fact that decent privacy focused browsers are starting to block those things automatically.
I’ve been using it with Ubuntu and Arch with no issues for a couple of years, so …?