No direct VALIS-to-brain transmissions for you. Cat probably just saved your brain from melting 😻
I really like this! Coming up with your own family traditions probably means they’ll feel even more comfortable passing them on in the future without worry of traumatizing their own future families.
Literally my workplace. But please ignore the bonuses, raises, and luxury trips we’re still doling out to the sales department. Now get back to work, you engineering scum!
I believe that indicates that particular community is “local” to the instance of Lemmy you’re signed into. Since it is local they don’t need to add the rest of the instance address for the community.
(So if you were logged into when you took the screenshot that would mean that is !
The only thing I miss about the official app is seeing those ads promoting Christianity and promptly reporting them as hate speech.
🎶Jeepers Creepers, where’d ya get those peepers? 🎵
No problem! I went back and looked through the comments and posts again and now I’m uncertain if it is actually a bot or just a really sick person acting like one. Either way, I’ve blocked them. I was on a thread about cookies missing chocolate chips of all places for that nonsense to show up.
I had to remember where I blocked that “user”, it was over on my Kbin account. Here is the user if anyone wants to preview them and preemptively block them:
CW: Homphobia. I’ve only seen one thread attacked by a bot so far. It repeatedly posted a loooong homophobic comment pretending to be a thoughtful and objective analysis of why gay men have lower life expectancy due to being “sExuaL” and apparently “DiSeAsEd”. It posted the same comment multiple times in the thread and responded to multiple comments including its own with the same comment over and over again. Not super jazzed to see that crap here, hoping we can avoid a botpocalypse on the Fediverse.
“Oh yeah, we’re all coming together.”