Just works, sometimes. Other times you’ll be left with a blank screen and the need for a second device to search the mint forums. It all depends on the age and support for your hardware.
Just works, sometimes. Other times you’ll be left with a blank screen and the need for a second device to search the mint forums. It all depends on the age and support for your hardware.
TLDR: The Gestapo and Stasi
Don’t look up.
You’d rather see nonsense then. You can’t dissolve a country. A country doesn’t go bust, stop trading, wrap things up and shut down. It may have hyper inflation and gain a poor populace but it cannot shut down. It can always leverage for credit because it will always exist. The terms of credit may be awful but the ability to raise funds somehow is always there. Literally printing money, bonds, government takeover of private institutes, whatever, there’s many many many more levers available to a government than other entities.
A country cannot go bankrupt. Therefore the title is bollocks, therefore a downvote and move on is warranted. Even if the content is good, they’ve spoiled any respectability with the title.
This is exactly why the new lemmy.world rules where moderators should challenge everything instead of removing bad content is bonkers because it encourages nonsense and misinformation.
Countries can’t go bankrupt… anyone who puts that in their title is full of shit.
One in five Britons have never lived under a dictatorship and haven’t got a fucking clue what they’re wishing for.
I wouldn’t recommend any I’m afraid but I would avoid Three. Their coverage is rubbish.
They’re all pretty similar. Aldi and Lidl are cheap and cheerful. Tesco and Asda (Walmart) are middle of the road. Sainsbury’s and Mark’s and Spencers are more upmarket. Waitrose is so posh there’s none in my city or the next two nearest cities. Farmfoods and Iceland are almost entirely frozen food and Co-Op, Spar, Costcutter, and Premier are slightly more expensive but located in convenient easy to walk places. Try to buy as much as you can from the bigger supermarkets and then just top up things like bread or milk from your local Spar when necessary.
Just register with your most local GP. You can easily change GP if you move. Welcome to the true land of the free! (Unless you move to England, but I believe their prescriptions are still capped)
The local skatepark might have similar people. Some music venues have under 18 licences (with a guardian) so you could maybe catch some punk gigs together and let her socialise there while you enjoy a beer at the bar and keep half an eye on her to make sure she’s alright.
There’s no mandatory ID. Unless you’re buying booze or fags and look young enough you might get ID’d (the rule being if you look under 25 you’re supposed to be ID’d for 18+ products) then I wouldn’t bother carrying a passport. Too much risk of losing it for no gain.
I can only speak for Scotland but it’s normal to provide about 2 months rent as a deposit. This legally must be put into a third party deposit scheme so the landlord can’t try and screw you when you leave. If you rent via a reputable agency they’ll provide you with all the necessary info but I believe the Scottish government website has renters rights easily listed somewhere too
Furniture all depends on taste and budget really. John Lewis are pricey but have really good quality stuff with long guarantees. They’re kinda worker owned too. There’s also always charity shops.
Find the largest supermarket in your city. A Tesco Extra or a large ASDA. They’ll have plenty of homeware to choose from. Nickel and Dime, B&M, Dunelm, or The Range will also work.
Charity shops. Your local shopping mall will have a mix of the usual big name brands of course but if you want real bargains, charity shops are the way to go.
I’ve never used them but Zen Internet are the nerds choice of ISP. ISP depends on who owns the copper/fibre around you and which ISPs they’ve made deals with. BT Opeanreach own most of the country meaning you can sign up to almost any ISP. Some areas are restricted to the likes of City Fibre but even they have plenty of ISP options.
You will get incredibly threatening scary official letters in the post if you don’t have a TV licence. They will threaten to imprison you or fine you thousands. Scary letters are about as far as their powers go though. Do with that information as you will.
We’ve got Taco Bell now so if she likes diarrhoea then have at it!
I think that would be very company dependent. I don’t think you could go wrong with a plain t-shirt and dark jeans at first, and then you can see what others wear to determine how casual you can really go.
It can be handy for toilets that require a 20p or 50p coin but generally you’ll be fine cash free. Even beggers and buskers have card machines now! Supermarket trolleys are often locked and you have to put a £1 coin in to release it and get it back once you lock the trolley up again but you can also get fake £1 sized tokens for your keyring if you want.
Try the Marmite crisps, they’ll change your view and spare you the executioner’s blade.
Edit: Lemmy is trying to be too clever and has messed up the numbering. It’s correct when I edit but goes into a list when I post. I’m sure you can figure out which is which haha
Please stop bending over backwards for the corporations. The customer shouldn’t have to control the taxi when they’re calling for emergency support like this. Should he just crawl into the front seat and drive the thing for them as well?
He was on his way to a flight. Flights are expensive. Of course he wants reassurance that his costs will be covered if he misses it due to their failings. He has no idea for how long he’s going to be continually going in circles and we don’t know for how long he’d already been going in circles.
This is a customer in distress and you’re shitting on them because they had a stressed tone towards the mega-corp representative? Shameful.
855 “legitimate interest” vendors with no easy reject all button? No thank you.
The solution is a varied diet.
We need to be eating random things, not the same protein, carbs, and veggies that we know we like and buy on routine.
How much of the fruit and vegetable aisle do you actually purchase from? I think many of us get in a routine of buying the same things over and over because we know what we like or we’re on autopilot from work burnout. But, for example, if instead of buying apples each week, we buy a different random fruit. Or, if the budget can stretch it, buy apples and a random fruit. Then our nutritional variety has just increased.
I’m being a bit of a hypocrite here because I myself like to buy the same things over and over. I like chicken, I like apples, I like the same granola I always get. But during each shop, I try to add at least something random that I don’t normally get. A vegetable I don’t normally cook with or tofu instead of chicken, whatever. We need variety.
There’s also the talk of nutritional content reducing in supermarket goods as they’re produced for profit. So growth speed and shelf appearance are prioritised, a way to combat that is to start growing some of your own. Obviously, this is highly dependent upon living situations, but even some herbs in a windowsill will help. Personally, I think vegetable gardeners are some of the most punk people out there, sustaining themselves, entertaining themselves, and learning new skills all for the price of a bag of dirt and some seeds. Be punk!
How, as a Russian, do you watch the blowing up of a fictional children’s joy bringer as a good thing?
The $0 home server:
Don’t host on YouTube? They’re a big company, I’m sure they’ve got the resources for a couple of video files.
Because that’s not how people think. They could have done a graph of average rent price and shown it going up, and up, and up. But instead, they obfuscate the statistics so the layman casual reader can’t understand it, that’s better, isn’t it?
There’s a reason they’ve got a section titled Landlord’s Concerns and not one titled Tenants’ Concerns.
On McDonald’s behalf.
What a disingenuous graph for showing how rent has risen.
This graph shows the percentage increase, not the money increase, so it’s harder for people to comprehend exactly how much it’s gone up. That plummet in 2020 makes it look like rents went down below 2014-2019 levels, but it just stopped rising, briefly.
The European Union on Friday finalized a blockbuster free trade agreement with Brazil, Argentina and three other South American nations in the Mercosur trade alliance
Are they a secret or something? The amount of words used to say “and three other South American nations” could’ve just been used to say the names of those nations. Wtf kinda journalism is this.
For the curious, the other nations are Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
Cruel and unusual punishment from a Labour government. Great.
Interesting that £1k of benefits cheating will give the government carte blanche to look through your bank accounts but fraud and tax avoidance by the richest in society and HMRC can’t do a thing. Funny how that works…