These are all the hard earned conservative Democrats the party has been working overtime to court.
These are all the hard earned conservative Democrats the party has been working overtime to court.
She dissented in a minority opinion against a decision Alito made last week.
Alito made up complete fantasy and misinterpreted his own self to rule against the EPA and rrverse the 9th circuit. It is completely devoid of legal basis outside dictionary definitions and it even references its own arguments incorrectly. Alito literally contradicts himself in his own aegument and just plods right through. Barret calls this out as a failure on the basis of ‘ordinary english’.
But it doesn’t matter because Alito was in the majority. No matter how meaningless his arguments were or how utterly correct the dissenting opinion is: it is so ordered.
Goddamn. Those funding levels are absolute peanuts. Crumbs. Scraps of budgets.
The Holocaust broke a lot of people’s faith in humanity. When that hope is lost it is less a feeling of hate and more one so dispassionate and disconnected that they simply do not care about humanity.
And that can enable some hateful acts indeed.
“all magic in Harry Potter comes from the divine tree, at the beginning the tree blessed few people with its world bending power of imagination, this is how wizardry began, the tree spoke latin btw.”
It’d be right up her alley since the books nor movies allude anything whatsoever to a divine tree that spoke latin.
If the books had a divine tree that spoke latin then there’d be some framework and substance lending credibility to the explanation, which would be different.
The bullshit stemmed from an investor of competing vaccines to the combined MMR. They were selling separate vaccines which were less popular so they wanted to take down the combined MMR to make money.
It’s all been collateral damage of unrepentant greed.
There are whole portions of red states that currently lack OBGYNs. And the police are patrolling the roads for pregnant people that might appear to be leaving the state to see an OBGYN.
It’s been that way since 2022 though.
(Reference: Idaho.)
The status quo, indeed.
It’s acting entirely in the moment. It’s an ideologically vapid approach that is the realm of the pure grifter.
The loss game. When it isn’t loss, you lose.
Yeah they did well in 2018 and 2020 when Trump was last in office. Not so well outside of the condition of Trump being demonstrably worse.
“Modern”? I don’t know.
Final Fantasy 10 was the last game that fit the ‘traditional’ turn based (active or not) gameplay. Since then there’s been less consistency between iterations.
Final Fantasy 11 and 14 are MMORPGs and are just fundamentally different games as a result. The latest is essentially Devil May Cry gameplay.
A lot of people enjoyed DMC and DMC is not inherently bad, but it may not be what people expect.
But the spinoffs using the Final Fantasy name have always been pretty damn hit or miss. (Compare Mystic Quest to Tactics.) This just now applies to the whole series.
This would be a major departure for the EPA in the sense that the engineer would seek efficiency out of it.
Honestly though environmental engineers come up with wild stuff which protects both the environment and human development. Not the budget though: the true opponent of civil engineers, the general public excepted.
I know it is likely just the nostalgia, but the PS1 startup sounds really were the best.
It’s $70. There has been little appetite for $60 games as of late, but from what it sounds like Avowed at least has $70 bucks worth of time and stuff. Whereas many $60 titles aren’t worth their sale prices–its not a high bar.
A $40 or less Avowed on sale next year will do well I predict.
For what it is worth, those suburbs you are describing are decaying in America. Those bars and shops just a few minutes down the road closed a couple generations ago. Many are empty lots or were razed for additional road lanes or gas stations. (In my city: another shooting range for police.) There aren’t even sidewalks outside the neighborhood where I live, and this is in an area developed in the 1980s ‘shining house on a hill’ era of America.
Most people live in the suburbs this guy is questioning, because it’s a nice balance of cost, serenity, and convenience.
The cost is blown out of the water, but for serenity and convenience goes: the conveniences are decaying and so the serenity is about all you can hope to get for the cost. More than anything though the spiraling cost destroys that balance. Most renting folks I know can’t afford the shops or restaurants anyway because of housing costs. American suburbs are increasingly isolated.
StormTech under the parking lot is all the rage now.
I went to a wedding where they played Bittersweet Symphony as she walked down the aisle.
It always felt slightly offputting.
…And then the groom’s mom made a speech about how love was like a dog, which had some sweet sentiments about loyalty in there. But also… vaguely shady.
There’s no shame in being strictly a singer. That is an ability in and of itself. Besides some songwriters don’t perform or sing, and there’s also nothing wrong with that. (Drummers and bassists in bands write songs too!)