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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 6th, 2024


  • It really depends. Whitespaces are something most languages don’t care. The only people who care are enforcing style guides. Level 2 is the same but there it start to get more critical, because can you be sure that it makes no difference? Level 3 is critical. While it can help to eliminate code that probably didn’t caused the problem, it makes a difference. In code review this can make a difference. If a specific Hex number is well known, like of example 0x4711 and someone changes it to 18193 or even Binary, information to the programmer gets hidden. And even in style this makes a difference. When you have a flag Enum, the thing to use is binary or bit shift, because both is readable. Decimal is readable to a certain point. 4 bytes is fine but at the 5th I don’t know them by heart and can’t even spot them. Level 4 is irrelevant, when its on top of the file and bothering to hide it, is not necessary. Also this can be relevant. For example a while ago at our company we had code that needed to work with .NET 2 and we had parts with .NET 4 and at some point, new files had the using for LINQ, that isn’t available in .NET 2. This happened a lot.

    The best solution is to have options and let the person using it decide. What I’m missing is to add my own ignore list. For example with our XML files, we have a date in them. The XML Class is badly written, because instead of having one date attribute for the first node, we have them on all. This is pretty irrelevant to show in a diff, because its not even used. Rewriting the Class is a big task, because its a core feature and can break everything, when one thing is missed.

  • Wehrpflicht ist halt so Rückständig. Zu irgendwas gezwungen werden, ist einfach nicht mehr Zeitgemäß. Wenn man Volljährig ist, ist man die zwänge los. Gut die Berufsschulpflicht endet nicht zum 18., sondern erst zum Ende des Schuljahres, wenn ich noch richtig informiert bin. Erst wenn ich was will, muss ich auch was geben. Will ich kein Geld vom Amt, muss ich mir auch keine Arbeit suchen usw. Das Militär ist halt auch echt nicht gerade populär. So auf Krieg hat nicht jeder Bock und auch mit dem Unterordnen nicht. Und dann als Ersatz irgendwelche Arbeiten verrichten, auf die man kein Bock hat?

    Wenn man wieder Leute braucht, sollte man einfach ein attraktiveres Angebot machen. In den USA wird ja einem durchaus die Schulbildung bezahlt. Man könnte hier auch was ähnliches machen. Wohnung, Führerschein, irgendwas lässt sich bestimmt finden, was die jungen Leute hinterm Ofen her holt.

  • I program like I learned it? I use my German QWERTZ layout. A lot of keys are different, yes, but I grew up with this layout and I’m used to it. Imagine giving me a US QWERTY layout and I would misstype every time. I even hate it when Windows swtiches my keyboard layout, even though I removed the shortcuts to it and I misstype constantly. Heck even Visual Studio switched my shortcuts and it sucked.

    After some time I realized that (Game) Devs suck, because they forget that other layouts exist. Its not a big deal, but at some point I realized that the Chats on T, Y, U makes much more sense on a QWERTY Layout. Also Markdown with ` kinda sucks. For a codeblock, I need to hold shift and press the key that is left of backspace 3 times and then one space, because when I press it once, nothing happens but pressing it a second time, 2 appear. Pressing space let it appear directly. Or I type 4 and remove one.

    But this it what I’m used to. And if I ever would work outside Germany, I will bring my own QWERTZ keyboard and require them to install the German Keyboard. I don’t need a German UI. I have all programming related software in English, because its easier to google stuff.