~2000€ would be an absolute game changer for me.
~2000€ would be an absolute game changer for me.
Golf is equivalent to licking an entire countryside so nobody else can use it. The only activity in human history that used more space for less people were the Apollo moon landings.
My cooking. I love to cook, be it simple meals or extravagant dishes, and everyone I know loves to eat my food - which is exactly why I’d never ever do it professionally. I really don’t want to risk losing the enjoyment and relaxation I get from cooking. Being in the kitchen for an hour after i came home from work is my way to unwind after a long day.
Boost, hands down! It was my favourite for Reddit and is still just as amazing in it’s Lemmy version.
Do you know the context behind there’s no fucking context to genocide, it’s just a fucking holocaust?
A lot of stuff. But that your point basically boils down to “not all of China is about genocide!” is more than enough to know that it’s not worth my time arguing with you.
Yeah: mass transit (transit) into camps (housing) for “re-education” (education), with the chance to get forcefully married to a real Chinese man (social mobility), or end up having your organs harvested (healthcare)
Which isn’t to say that Sony hasn’t been actively trying to ruin their reputation all by themselves over the last 1-2 years. This whole console generation has mostly been about both companies getting just a little too comfortable and screwing over their customers in the process.
Bei mir war es vor knapp einem Jahr schon so schlimm, dass ich mir wirklich den Aufwand angetan hab, meine seit Ewigkeiten gleiche Nummer endlich zu wechseln. Es kommt seitdem zwar (viel) seltener vor, aber der erste Spam-Anruf auf die neue Nummer hat trotzdem keine 3 Tage auf sich warten lassen. Im Endeffekt muss ich aber schon sagen, dass es das auf jeden Fall wert war.
Ah yes, another very “for the players”-move indeed
In what world is “It will last longer” an answer to “I can’t afford that”? I doesn’t matter how long something will last if people don’t have the extra money to spend on something more expensive.
German: “Dich soll der Blitz beim Scheißen treffen” - Lightning shall strike you while you’re taking a shit
Best insult ever, imo.
Us dying off wouldn’t fix the climate
Not short-term, but absolutely in the long run, since it definitely would make it a lot easier for natural balance to fix itself if we stopped messing with it. “The planet™” has recovered from other accidents before, humans are just another speed bump. It surely wouldn’t hurt if we just stopped pumping greenhouse gasses into the air today.
Only human ingenuity can
I think you’re severely overestimating our capabilities as a species. It’s always easier to break something than to fix it and it took us a good few decades to fuck up our climate in the first place. I admire your optimism regarding humanity, but I honestly think it’s futile. As long as there’s money to be made, no amount of regular people trying to save the planet is going to make any impact. Or in other words: the world won’t be saved below 13 figures.
unironically calling for people to die over this
No the hell I’m not. You asked for “the best way”, i.e. the most efficient way, to save animals. Answer: Since humans are the biggest threat to all of nature (that includes animals), less humans = higher chance of survival for everything else. If you asked “what’s the best way to increase Zebra populations” I would’ve said “get rid of lions”, but that doesn’t mean I’d advocate for it! If you want something to live, the easiest way to achieve that is to remove what’s killing it. And when it comes to most species, that, more often than not, is humans. No bad faith, no disingenuity, just the simple observatoin that the most dangerous threat to all living things on earth are humans and everthing else would be way better off if we weren’t around. Nowhere did I ever mention that it’s something I’d actually recommend anyone to do.
For the same reason the best non-morbid thing people can do to help save the climate is not having children, since the environmental impact of having a child is up to 58,6 tonnes of additional carbon each year.
You asked and that’s the simple truth. The climate collapse you mentioned is caused / accelerated by humans and nothing decreases an individuals carbon footprint more than dying. Less humans = less consumption = less human impact on the global climate = better chances of survival for animals.
Suicide. Every human less increases some poor animal’s chances. If enough people died today, some species may even not go extinct just yet.
Once again proof that dogs and their owners really kinda do resemble each other.
Or in other words: Look at that cutie! Awwww, who’s a good boy!? Yes you are. Yes you are! I just wanna cuddle him and feed him pudding and make sure he’s happy :D
And if you wanna take the dog with you, that’d be fine by me, too!
I think I love you
I’m pretty sure you’re in the wrong comment section, my friend.
Better make that $100 trillion (a rough estimate of the world economy’s nominal value) to make sure you don’t cripple our whole civilisation, as it would allow you to pay for basically every single company on the planet, all of which would suddenly have to invest a lot of money to move at least some of their IT infrastructure over to a GNU/Linux equivalent, much of which may not even exist yet and would have to be built from scratch.