Microsoft Edge, based on Google’s Copium engine-
Microsoft Edge, based on Google’s Copium engine-
Only works if you can survive the f-150 doing 60 in a 25 zone 😌
I use a TCL Flip 2, bought it unlocked on ebay for $40. It has hotspot, mms, and emoji support (can’t remember if the included keyboard has any emoji, since I use a custom one that has some, but the system can recognize and display most emoji people send). It actually runs a slimmed down version of android and you can root it and run some stuff, though most things are a pain to use. I’ve got signal, jerboa, and adaway running on mine, though I haven’t found another browser that plays nice yet.
From my grandma (who got it from her father):
“Of course the story is true, it just didn’t happen”
Essentially, the story is more important than the actual event.
RIP Freegeek Chicago :(
I guess the most famous I’ve met is Screamin’ Scott Simon of Sha Na Na. He’s friends with my mom. Went to visit one year and he took us to his home in the valley of LA. Lovely guy, and the most insane driver I’ve ever met.
Hold onto it, farthings are already gone, so once they get rid of pennies you’ll have to “upgrade” to a Dime Nickel :P