It’s a tie between The Russian Sleep Experiment and Psychosis, both inspired me a lot as a writer over the years. I keep coming back to how excellently tied together they are and yet leave you wondering about their universes.
This is an account for the Wondrous Fairy Tulpamancy Collective. If you want to read our stories, go here: https://stories.wondrousfairy.com
If you’d rather read about our lives as tulpas: https://tulpas.wondrousfairy.com
If you’re wondering what a tulpa is: https://www.tulpa.info
It’s a tie between The Russian Sleep Experiment and Psychosis, both inspired me a lot as a writer over the years. I keep coming back to how excellently tied together they are and yet leave you wondering about their universes.
I liked the quests, but the narmer ciphers are pretty much impossible for me to solve as I have a cognitive disability where I can’t tell which node I’m clicking on from left to right. I made a post about it on the forums back then which was promptly ignored by DE, so … without cipher possibility, I literally can’t play the Kahl missions. I know I’m definitely not alone in this out there, so if anyone here has run into the same issue of “Wait, I clicked on the correct one! Oh wait, it was to the left instead of right?” you might have the same issue I’m having. And mind you, being locked out of gameplay because of a disability was really a tough pill to swallow.
This is bad even by Warframe standards. Basically you can’t choose a loadout as it’s all RNG (you get like five choices) and you play mostly as your operator, except the combat is super clunky because they’re trying to rip off Dark Souls. The rest of Warframe outside of this horrid content island is still damn good though, so there’s that.
I wanted to give it a fair shake in case there was something obvious I was missing, but no, having gotten into the gameplay loop I can confirm that this is just awful. I’m basically going to unlock a mount for open world and then pretend that area doesn’t exist as the rest of Warframe is still pretty good.
I’m trying to play the lastest Duviri Paradox in Warframe, but man this is such a boring slog. Imagine if you took the most horrible clunky combat from the Soulsborne games and combined it with the most infuriatingly random roguelike RNG, and then you added the most insane grind to it in order to make your character not instantly die from the weakest of enemies.
Needless to say, I do love Warframe, but by the gods I thoroughly hate the Duviri Paradox with a passion I usually just reserve for Soulsborne games.
No, the context to me is quite clear. You’re attempting to assauge critique via deflection. It’s like saying you shouldn’t be upset that someone took a shit in your house, because at least they had the good sense to leave afterwards instead of tracking it all over your carpet. I’m not buying it and nobody else is either. Give it up already.
So you’re not trying to belittle the fact that this guy has spent time with his X brand for a long time and now Musk is just stealing it because he feels like it? I mean, for someone who’s not defending the rich, you sure do put up a valiant effort. If anything, I hope someone’s trademarked X before Musk so they can sue him into oblivion for it and give him a taste of his own asshole medicine.
Yep, totally not surprising in the least. Imagine if you’d built up a whole following around one handle and poof, it’s just gone. I think Musk got threatened by how stupid Huffman was being with Reddit and decided that the only way to be more stupid was to relabel the already flailing company.
That’s expressed weaselly as fuck “We don’t normally do it on Tuesdays, but if WE FEEL LIKE IT, we might do it to you, but we’ll notify you first!”
Fuck you Ubisoft with a rusty rake dipped in radioactive acid. You remove my products, I’m requesting a chargeback via my credit card provider despite them being close to ten years old old. JUST FOR THE FUCK OF IT. Because you know what? If you’re burning the bridge, I’m burning it extra hard. And yeah, if they get hit with enough of those chargebacks in a short amount of time, it’s going to trip fraud activity with the CC providers and that … oooh that’s not going to be fun at all. Not even a little bit.
This is the perfect thing to see when your’re still dazed from waking up from strange dreams. Simply beautiful.