You can comment just not make posts, which is the majority of the user base tbf. There ability to post posts is coming soon afaik
You can comment just not make posts, which is the majority of the user base tbf. There ability to post posts is coming soon afaik
Chrome has that too FYI
Why is mandatory pronoun tags a good thing? Isn’t that just putting more personal info out there than needed?
Wild that you’re being downvoted for this IMO
But we’re still early lol
Oh no not the Latin word for everything!
That’s why I’m vegan, those damn omnivores just sound so villainous.
Ahh your phrasing made me think you meant you’d want to physically see that world, I was just tired and it was right after your Al Gore what if so I got confused haha
My bad
Why would you want to see a timeline where Nazis won??
Because they’re stupid
I saw people unironically saying this and being upvoted for it in hackernews, completely turned me off from the site lol
There’s a few engineers at my work that voted for and still support Trump
You filthy right-clicker