Dude, what the fuck, you can’t say that on the Internet!
Dude, what the fuck, you can’t say that on the Internet!
11.5 what? Data doesn’t really mean much without units.
This may not be exactly what you’re looking for but have you considered using Firefox containers, automatically logging in to a different Google account for each container? I’m fairly sure this would work on mobile (probably only Android though), and is almost certainly more convenient and polished than a separate YouTube client.
You can do pretty much the same thing with Firefox: you sign in to Firefox to sync your passwords and browser settings, then (assuming you’re talking about Google calendar, Gmail, etc.) You can sign into your Google account with one click. That’s not really any less convenient.
Besides, I’ve hardly ever heard of anyone moving away from Firefox to Chrome, so I doubt the reason is any sort of convenience or design superiority. I’d attribute it to the fact that most people who already use the Internet (pretty much everyone) has already settled on a browser, with chrome-based browsers being the most common. So anyone new to the Internet will just choose the favorite as the default. This is especially true considering they most new Internet users are probably kids, so they’re not aware of concerns about privacy, monocultures, DRM, etc. that would drive someone to pick Firefox.
Basically, it’s not that Chrome is actually better than Firefox. I think it’s that the market is growing, and the most common browsers will grow more quickly than Firefox simply for the sake of familiarity.
I wasn’t talking about the electoral college at all, more about congressional elections, which are already decided by popular vote within voting districts and states. If we didn’t group voters by location (in this case state) no individual state would have representation in Congress, instead just having Representatives elected by the country as a whole through a proportional representation system. I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing, but it would be a major change from what Americans are used to, so I was curious about people’s opinions on it.
How would you do it instead? Do you feel the same about federal elections, in which voters are grouped by state?
Mark NSFW please!