Go full Diogenes /s
But seriously you should reach out to a local homeless shelter, your municipality/social services and to friends who can lend a couch. You could rent a two bedroom place jointly with a local, as that might give you preferential treatment by proxy.
You could set an alarm ahead of time half an hour to an hour after you intend to get home so that if you do pass out immediately, it will only last half an hour before it goes off
Stole this from a blog, but making everything is also an option- this is one for cleansing face wipes
EQUIPMENT 8 ounce glass spray bottle Reusable fabric wipes (or cotton rounds) INGREDIENTS
1 cup distilled water 2 tsp aloe vera gel 2 tsp witch hazel ¼ tsp castile soap (or less if desired) 1 tsp olive oil (or almond, avocado, fractionated coconut oil, etc.) INSTRUCTIONS
Add the oil, aloe vera, and witch hazel to the bottom of a glass spray bottle and mix to combine. Add the castile soap. Last, add the water just until the bottle is almost full. If you’re using a 16-ounce spray bottle then fill it halfway full. Shake and spray the mixture on your cloth wipes right before use. Store the mixture in the fridge and use within 1-2 weeks.
Yeah, it’s been colder for longer this year- doesn’t help that I have a cold so I’m always freezing
It was estimated on his indictment that his sentencing would take around 21 days, which is short considering the contents. I think it is a reflection of how solid the case is because they are photographic, electronic, and video evidence of all of it. I really recommend you giving it a read as it is available for public use
Don’t forget deliberately inciting violence and fascist extremism- and technically an unsuccessful coup d’etat
I like doing skincare and facial scrubs and fancy soaps and such (I do wish it wasn’t as tarnished by consumerism but I’ve got no other alternatives)- and apparently I’ve gotten too good at it because strangers mistake me for a girl sometimes.
Did you crosspost this on Reddit? This feels familiar