It is very cold here, yes. 😗
We’ve been super lucky with Bowie
Absolutely love this 🤣
Sorry! Just to be clear this is my dog!
Didn’t mean to post such a provocative title. I just think it’s funny that this little blanket burrower who steals treats out of my pockets came from wolves.
He’s a Whippet, of course he needs a coat!
He’s always impressed with himself. Always.
My partner is holding a frisbee up. Bowie loves to jump for it even when we’re not shooting photos. I Photoshop my partner’s arm out of the photo.
I hope you’re happy, you ruined the magic trick 😘
Nailed it. But please excuse me, I see a Bosch painting I simply must critique
Next up Jedi mind tricks
Ah heck we try. Thanks
Bowie sends Bowie boops
Yup Bowie is a 6 year old Whippet. Certified good boy.
(thank you)
Bowie is happy to be of service
Read the username… Ok. Ok.
Absolutely! Good luck! Positive reinforcement works really well for these guys
Yes that exactly. His recall is AMAZING, but only when he feels like it. Often he’ll run in the opposite direction, pee on a tree and then come running to me at 50kph. Whippets were bred to be independent hunters so they make their own decisions.
Also be warned about 1/3rd of the whippets we know have a big squirrel body count and can’t really be let off leash. Bowie is not a killer and we’re grateful for it.
Slightly crazy. Super unreliable. Needs a coat in the winter. Will tunnel under your bed sheets and kick you in the stomach. Extremely clingy.
So much personality. Amazing to watch run. Ridiculously cute. Phenomenal cuddlers. They love you with all their hearts.
We’re Whippet people for life 🧡
Deep state is having a nap I guess.
I don’t mean that facetiously, honestly surprised the CIA is just chill with everything.