Because violence allows the villains to be seen as victims.
Because violence allows the villains to be seen as victims.
Nope. What they could do is tax corporations that collect them at 100% of whatever they collect on behalf of the federal government and then have a state stimulus payment equal to what was collected.
There are sufficient nuclear weapons right now to erase all human existence. That used to terrify me. Now it is somehow comforting.
Thanks to Trump, America doesn’t make any cents.
Not true. If the times were shorter you would still be able to pick up liquids.
They were racist remarks. Not inappropriate remarks.
He argued in federal court today that members of native American tribes are not citizens.
I had a very sturdy, energetic dog who loved chasing a thrown ball. He was tied to a long rope (about 100 feet). I did not pay attention to where the rope was and threw the ball and he exploded from my side and flew like a rocket after the ball. The rope, unfortunately, was tied to a tree in the direction I was throwing but was curled behind me. I was wearing shorts and as the rope started to be pulled away, it pulled up against both of my calves and abraded all of the skin from the backs of my legs away in a moment, and then the rope was pulled taught, deftly swiping both of my legs out from underneath me, dropping me backwards onto my head on a stone patio, splitting my scalp and spraying blood all over my white canvas outdoor furniture. The dog looked very proud for catching the ball when he loped up to me afterwards.
What’s the letter “t” for?
Is that Santa giving head to an elf? Nice.
He is an illegal immigrant.
Fine. Then let’s do the same with the fantasy bullshit people call religion.
One thing about this post is a thing all by itself.
Trump doesn’t pay his vendor invoices.
Must’ve been stuck with Republicans
Women always will be habitually underestimated.
The person for whom the word prugly was created.
There’s a fuel distributor near me named “Just Oil (and more!)”
Seriously though. If they aren’t just selling the hotdogs, what ELSE are they doing with the hotdogs. Seems like it could be inappropriate.