I wonder whether this money will be held in French banks. Seeing as China has made it policy to not have any funds linger in Western banks longer than absolutely necessary.
I wonder whether this money will be held in French banks. Seeing as China has made it policy to not have any funds linger in Western banks longer than absolutely necessary.
Great tool to radicalize people, though as marxists we shouldn’t define ourselves by our direct contribution to the almighty GDP.
Some jobs don’t produce a form of wealth or labour you can extract, all while still contributing to a prosperous society.
Sure, but will they stay there? If they do, I hope he can life his remaining life with his family in relative peace.
So, anyone want to place bets on where they’re going? Russia? China? Back home?
You guys are giving Bernie way too much credit, because just like other Western Socdems he is bad on foreign affairs/policy.
Going by the political section of his Wikipedia entry, he doesn’t seem too much of a leftist. Then again, I know only of the name, not his content.
Unless it’s done by Tibetan fundamentalists, I guess?
As a Westerner that attends public events I attract these people indoctrinated by Western propaganda like flies. IF China was an dystopian authoritarian police state they would’ve hired me by now to supply them with names.
There are tons of anti-CPC arguments one can make, especially by looking at past mistakes and ignoring the subsequent work that has gone into rectifying those mistakes. Heck there are various one issue movements in China that push back against some of what the CPC does.
But, seeing as HK protestors cling onto Pooh memes: it’s 100% obvious that it’s a foreign op.
Here I was thinking that you were talking about books, and wanted to talk about how Chinese bookstores with dedicated English non-fiction sections shelve the same alt-right tech-bro fiction you find in the US.
But, no. It’s just Pooh and Tank man memes, and thus I’m kind of disappointed.
Great. Another factoid I can throw at people
And then they get demoted, right? Right?!
Couldn’t tell you. Got banned during the first months of COVID from a dozen of them.
I’ve learned you can quote Chinese post-Mao socialist theory as long as you don’t accredit the source.
Going on Discord to ask recommendations past beginner reading lists and memes is probably just a waste of time. Sadly there are few orgs who are better.
Feels like it still falls in the realm of larping.
credit-card delinquency rates
I keep forgetting that not paying one’s debt is viewed as a crime in the USA regardless of the reason as to why you can’t pay.
Most of these countries pretend that they were the ones that helped the South Africans fight against apartheid from behind the scenes. These same countries also adhere to the opinion that Israel isn’t an apartheid state. So are we really surprised that they defend the genocide that is going on?
WeChat reader 微信读书, only issue is that if you upload a book they will read everything. So get used to suddenly a page number being read out loud.
Maybe you could get a paid version of ChatGPT and remove all numbers and annotations.
弹弓 in Chinese, of which the meaning is broad. They don’t differentiate by size, especially as nowadays as only the hand/toy variant are actively used.