I didn’t see it listed in the comments but Stopthe Madness is the best extension I use, helps with YouTube but also other sites:
Chances are I’ll end up over there. So thank you for the heads up. 😀
I saw that one, but it seems like it’s just a place to post pictures of the bread that people had made whereas I’d like this one to be more about sharing recipes and techniques. I love looking at other people’s bread, but I love making it myself even more :)
Having never seen Rocketman, I feel like these responses are way better than whatever is actually going on.
Which one did you end up getting? There are quite a few options.
That’s basically what I’ve been doing using Other Transcode. My concern was that if I have a 4K source and using that would I someday regret it and want to re-encode things?
Are you saying that I’d get better results with a 12 or 13th gen processor than with an older dGPU? Interesting I hadn’t even thought of going this route. Always considered a dGPU was the best way to go.
I don’t know if this is what you are looking for, but I just block the communities that I don’t want showing up. I was in the same boat, I don’t speak German so I just blocked it and I haven’t seen a post since.
I had to do it in the web as a lot of the apps don’t have the functionality built in yet.
Also just wanted to say thank you! Awesome app and I’m hoping you’ll get to 1.0 soon and release it to get paid for all the quality work you have been doing.
Labors reader looks really great. Just wish it had an iOS/android app. I’ll definitely keep it in mind.