Even the first part of your comment is some fairy tale rich people tell you so they can make more profit.
Also no human or personal rights. Everyone should be a slave except for the rich. And fuck your vacations.
Maybe those conservative instances are disappointing because conservatism itself is disappointing?
Seems like conservatives mostly consist of denying reality, believing in conspiracy theories or working against human rights.
I just checked web portal and only had undetermined selected. Now added English and it started working. So I guess Lemmy bugs out if someone posts a comment marked as English but you haven’t included english in your own list.
Seems like weird behavior to implement.
But I already use sorting by Top and it doesn’t work. It doesn’t matter which sorting I usw. They all are broken.
Yes same for me. It happens regardless of setting. So I assume it’s unrelated to that.
Mine is set to “Top”. Funny enough had to switch to different app to even see the comments here on my post. On Sync it says there are no comments even though I got notifications in Sync about replies.
Oh really. Thanks for letting me know. I will look for it.
No but what I noticed is that quite a few songs I had on my liked list are now unavailable and I have no clue which songs that were.
Well you might call it exorbitant but that’s up for debate really. In my eyes it’s not exorbitant.
Especially given what a niche Lemmy is. So the dev might not even Break even on the costs.
I think the point of the person you replied to is that it doesn’t make sense to use PPP for pricing. The dev charges x. They live from the money made paying the app. Just because a user lives somewhere where PPP is lower doesn’t change the developers costs.
To be fair the majority of posts I see have barely any comments at all. Not sure if that is so much better.
Never tried one but would love to at some point
Man I wish I could see how you would behave if someone invaded your land and stole it and when you try to defend yourself some schmuck comments “did they have to resort to violence” ?
Germany/Germans have absolutely no issue with recognizing our war crimes. I doubt anyone comes as close in terms to acknowledging their dark history.
Damn that is amazing. I wonder if we will also see some kind of RES equivalent for Lemmy
Looks nice. Could you share your wallpaper ?
4-5 years old for sure by now.
Of course they believe it. Rich people get idolized like crazy and rich people are constantly saying that programs that benefit the average citizen are bad and are too expensive for the tax payers.