It’s as harmful as picking up a random bug and eating it.
Which means: you might die. Or you might not.
Trusting the internet to give you the answer here as the final defacto answer… Maybe not the best.
It’s as harmful as picking up a random bug and eating it.
Which means: you might die. Or you might not.
Trusting the internet to give you the answer here as the final defacto answer… Maybe not the best.
Wait am I supposed to just motion the mushroom in and out repeatedly then once it shrivels, the job is done?
Some women also call it their flowers and yeah I go down on flowers. :finger-guns:
This is great. Perry bible fellowship was a core memory of my early internet days. Each one still holds up today.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
Your other person’s tomorrow is you.
Salute you. It’s about letting people know there’s resistance
Am I being wooshed? It’s impossible to get a flush with the two spades. Or the Aces.
Very cool. Now it just needs to drop in price.
I’m willing to wait for it to hit under $20
I have friends who are in scientific research and 100% of them from multiple institutions are affected by Trump. Every single one.
One is out of a job in early Jan. The others over the next 3 months. It’s really bad.
I held onto Windows 7 even a year or two past so-called the EOL. I had a pretty powerful rig and I wasn’t going to pay money to upgrade. Then I think Microsoft just gave Windows 8 for free?
I finally got on Windows 10 when I bought a premade gaming computer. Still not upgrading.
I blame all the satire.
It didn’t just go over their heads, they took it as truth and ran with it.
You know, I didn’t pick up that he was pointing that out too. George Carlin still hitting us from the grave.
American here. Maybe I’m going through the five stages of grief and now I’m at acceptance.
Everything in your first paragraph sounds accurate and maybe something that probably needed to happen. America as the World Police is/has been a problem. There were some positives, but a lot of negatives.
The sooner America gets off the stage, the better. We don’t deserve the recognition. We can’t even feed our own people and yet wield tremendous influence internationally, and maybe it’s a positive thing that it ends soon.
At age 17, I remember running 2 miles to school and then back home so I can save my bus money. I was also playing sports, doing some heavy lifting then repeating it over and over again.
Now I walk a few blocks and I’m like “Enough exercise for today!”
I went to a small town recently and this was it.
The small “boutique” shop absolutely has a Karen-looking gal who was selling things from Temu but with her sticker on it.
Real sad state.
Well I mean, it’s usually one company making 23 bagel flavors. Look at toothpaste. There’s Colgate and then 15 Colgate variants. But if we go higher, the parent company owns 2-5 toothpaste beands, and those toothpaste brands have multiple variants.
And then we go even higher, and those parent companies are actually owned by the same group of people.
I mean if we want to get real about it, do we really want that fake choice either?
I like this comment because you can put it under anything.
It’s such a nothing comment; the only side it picks is that the commenter posting it is better than everyone else, and wants to invite argument for arguments sake.
Can’t put my finger on it, but it’s very “Twitter bot”-esque.
I used to believe in the whole private citizen but then seeing News really blew it up like “Obama’s daughters eat provolone cheese instead of American cheese!”.
Although I just pour my fresh coffee into a thermos, because a good thermos will keep it at least warm all day.
This is the way.
For laughs, I checked out how much the meal cost in my city. It’s $12.
For two dollars more, I can get a better burger at my neighborhood bar.