Let alone in the category “car that’s extra dangerous to people outside the car just to make it look uglier”.
Let alone in the category “car that’s extra dangerous to people outside the car just to make it look uglier”.
Not the hero we deserve.
Yeah, like there’s better, more secure technology available. Firefox is a fantastic browser still, and basically whatever bad things you think Firefox does, Chrome does it way worse.
The main advantage Chrome has is that websites don’t bother to test in other browsers that much anymore, so some will work better. Especially Google’s.
But Google has enough power as it is. Don’t give them more.
Which is even worse, of course. Already it’s basically impossible for Mozilla to keep up with all of Google’s underspecified whims.
Only as an experimental feature, I think. I think it graduates from Firefox Labs this release.
For just the “finding GPS tracks for biking trips” part, https://cycle.travel/ is pretty neat.
Firefox already has ads. (Though you can turn them off.) As does its default search engine.
Yeah, specifics would be great. “Someone clicked this ad”, or potentially even “someone in Germany clicked this ad” is a big difference from “a 20-year old man who likes blahaj in Hamburg has opened a new tab”.
I feel like it would’ve been really helpful if it had provided an example of something that legally counts as “selling your data”, but that any sane person would not define as such.
Zen Browser and Floorp. Of course, as soon as a project does more, that also makes maintenance more work, so they’re more likely to be less well-maintained.
And of course, none of them can exist without Mozilla.
Ah good, it had become to easy to convince my friends to let me message them on Signal.
cries in Dutch
OK, if you’re dismissing a source just because it doesn’t fit your preconceived notions, even though it’s written by someone who’s literal job is to research the subject, and provides the numbers to back it up, then I’m not sure what we’re doing here.
The question then is: why did you vote for those very small parties? Why not just vote VVD? Then you’re basically sure that they’ll make the coalition, and your vote contributes to a nice and quick coalition process.
(That said, I also strongly disagree that being in opposition means you can’t achieve anything. Look at the PVV, and how much they were able to make the other parties when they weren’t even part of the government. Looks at what Union is planning to do now because of AfD, without AfD having to be part of the coalition.)
Edit: oh, and I forgot maybe the most convincing argument, for you: it doesn’t work. Reasonable thresholds do not lead to fewer parties.
Yes, but that amounts to the same thing. The restrictions that prevent you from manually overriding it are there to prevent any app from freely overriding it. There’s a way to only explicitly allow you to manually override it, and that’s the way that’s currently being built and requires ecosystem support.
I mean, you could just not vote for the fringe parties then?
(Oh, you already don’t do that? So it’s other people’s votes you want to cancel? See what I mean - arguing for a threshold is essentially arguing for less democracy.)
My day would have been just fine without that mental image.
For all we know he was rooting for the AfD, and he just didn’t know/care that people use “convervatives” to refer to a different party.
It’s a shame they changed the name.