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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2024


  • When I moved over a few years ago, there were a few different services that could migrate playlists. I did remember some having a cap that you had to pay to increase, but I believe I eventually found one that let me move them all for free.

    One of the reasons I quit Spotify was that their shuffle seemed oddly weighted. It would try to detect songs that it thought I wanted to listen to and always prioritize those in the shuffle. Turning off its smart shuffle didn’t seem to help either 🤷‍♀️ I do occasionally find artists with the same name grouped together, but this is something I’ve seen them addressing in their patch notes. They are really on top of reported issues.

  • For the most random reason, Borderline Forever. For the longest time, I only watched YouTube on my TV- it was one of my end of night routines, and I had a few channels that I always kept up to date with. Now, I have to note that the TV I owned, for many years, was a super cheap 50" TV I bought from Walmart during Black Friday . It wasn’t great, but it was the first TV I bought myself when I started living on my own. One of the quirks of that TV was that the bezel actually extended over the screen and covered some of it. It wasn’t ever really an issue, but every now and again, I’d be aware of it. So, you can imagine my absolute surprise to learn that the blue border which was on all his thumbnails was actually part of his videos as well- a whole episode to highlight something I had been completely unaware of for hundreds of episodes. I honestly don’t remember much of the episode, but it was a big reason I ended up buying a new TV 🤭

  • I know you’ve said that you’ve asked her, and she’s stated she’s fine, but I think it matters how you ask. Sit down with her, mention the behaviors you’ve observed, explain how these things make you feel (I assume you’re worried about a friend), and just let her know you’re there for her if she ever wants to talk. Try not to make it too much about yourself, but be honest with your emotions… and try not to offer fixes for anything unless she asks. Myself and a lot of other women aren’t always open with men, even friends, because it can be exhausting dealing with their problem solver personalities; we normally know how to fix things already, but doesn’t mean they don’t weigh on our minds.

  • Okay, this is getting to be a bit much. I’m over 30 years old, have been seeing my PCP for the entirety of my life- he was the one who first diagnosed my autism and have me sent to be evaluated for ADHD. Due to insurance, I’ve had multiple psychs/therapists, but often see them for 3-5 years. I spend hours with these people talking about a variety of things, including eating habits. Never ONCE has any medical professional diagnosed or hinted that my relationship with food is related to an eating disorder. My anxiety around meal prepping was due to me training for competitive bodybuilding and having to eat 6 large meals throughout the day mentally wore me down. This mental hangup continued after I stopped training, and has less to do with the eating and more to do with the planning my schedule around eating. I very much dislike ANY form of structure which feels rigid or like I have to be conscious of times/date. I have no problems with the food itself, I have no problems controlling my intake of food, and my only issues stem from the scheduling and routine of eating.

  • I never used TikTok either! I’m not super into short video content. I had a macro photography account on IG about 5 years ago with 30k followers; I closed it after a lot of life obstacles but recently started shooting again. I’m not super into supporting Meta, so I thought I’d just see how RN is since it’s both image and video content. I’ve honestly been incredibly surprised! There’s a lot more user interaction in posts with so much of it being supportive. There are creators posting there whose content on other platforms would always attract negative and hateful comments - absolutely none of that so far on RN. The CN community has been very welcoming, patient, and helpful to new users. I definitely think it’s worth checking out, even if it’s just to get a glimpse of another culture!

  • You’re entirely wrong about that, and I think that’s the entire point of this post. Eating does not repulse or disgust me. I have zero anxiety that xyz food is going to make me gain/lose weight. The idea here is that our brains absolutely do not easily create a routine around food. Let’s say it’s 10am and I’m starting to get hungry- I’ll tell myself “okay, lunch in the next hour or two!” I briefly go back to whatever I was doing, look at the clock again, and it’s 6pm.

  • True… but it’s not really intentional or desired for some of us. Like, I WANT to put on weight (especially fat), but unless I set timers or am incredibly conscious that I need to eat, time just zips by, and I end up eating as described in the post. When I super focus on it (meal prep, shakes, etc), it starts to become a major point of anxiety in my life, and my relationship with food starts to get kind of toxic. I’m alive, healthy, and all that, but this kind of thing is very different than intentional fasting or dieting.

  • I was wondering this as well and have been incredibly surprised how different the landscape is from my assumptions. Their algorithm very quickly understood my identity and preferences and started mixing in a good amount of wlw content with just an overflow of positive comments and engagement. I was also super happy to see creators that I enjoy being welcomed and praised on the platform - creators which 100% of the time have people leave the most unkind comments on their posts. There’s one in particular, a man who showcases and slays in his dresses, which I’ve yet to see one negative comment towards. Time will tell how long things stay this way!

  • Soo it’s nowhere near the same- but in FFXIV I once spent weeks after an expansion crafting/gathering to make money to buy a large housing plot. By the end of it I had around ~600million (an absurd amount). Unfortunately my luck just wasn’t here and I lost every lottery I entered. Now- I probably have like 5 million. Where did it all go? To other players. I’d just buy people things. Someone in chat said they really wanted this or that- I’d buy it. People wanted a small/medium plot and didn’t have the money? I’d give them the gil. I found literally no reason to have so much gil just for the sake of having it, and I love seeing people get excited. I’d put together little welcome packages with expensive mounts, minions, clothes, etc and gift them to new players. I kind of started doing this in real life to, just to a lesser degree as a stranger handing you a gift can be a bit weird. I’d like to imagine, with infinite wealth, I’d do the same thing to a larger scale- really find ways to improve and bring joy to the lives of others. I’d obviously spoil myself with things, but I imagine I’d spend most of it on other people.