Brain drain the world. Work visas for every person who can produce more than they consume. I’m talking doubling the US population, bringing in all the factory workers, farmers, miners, engineers, literally anyone who produces value.
Okay, I mean, that’s coherent policy, I really don’t like the caveats of “produces more than they consume” cause how do you quantify that, but yes, immigration is actually good…
Can we raise the average IQ of America to be higher than China?
aaaand it’s eugenics, fuck, how does this keep happening
It’s the Saul Goodman effect, if you’ve grifted before and know you can make such easy money the only way for you to stop is to go through some major internal growth and internalise that it’s deeply unethical, but that’s so hard, man, why would you do that when you can just raise a billion dollars with a smile