Тримайся друже, поховали тих, переживемо і цих.
Тримайся друже, поховали тих, переживемо і цих.
Better reader, PDFs with reflow.
Please pass it forward: all Kindles can now be jailbroken
Is OP sour because the message was unsent before they agreed? Or tearing sexual innuendos towards minors are a pretty mild thing in Romania?
Unga unga ugh baah baaah
Optimists learn English
Pessimists learn Chinese
Realists learn AK-47
I think the curious aspect of this is that business is absolutely aware, and acknowledges existence of the climate change.
His vaporware time after time raises billions without any viable output.
In a meanwhile, there are legit businesses which struggle financially because the market ‘doesn’t believe’ in them.
Free market will solve it, my ass
Today they mostly yell “vpered sukablyat” and “is a drone!”
Swap school shootings with workplace stabbings. Uno reverse, American style.
Jesus Christ, ain’t that Mr. Chrome from the Rubberbandits?
You didn’t need to direct me anywhere to accept that you made a clear factual mistake.
You are factually incorrect in the very first statement. “Gulag” means “главное управление исправительно-трудовых лагерей” and is a name of a state agency directly operating a network of concentration/forced labor camps. Each of the camps had their name, control and command structures and operated under direct oversight of some best Stalin’s chaps.
Also, it wasn’t just ‘prison’. Each of them was a concentration camp for politically it otherwise unsound elements, that provided Stalin with supply of free slave labor.
Near the Shire, where I was born
Lived an elf who sailed to seas
And he told us all his life
And he brought the Silmarils
deleted by creator
For those interested, here’s an overview of punitive psychiatryv history and practices. The video is in Ukrainian, but subtitles are available in English.
Been there done that, in a moshpit while Brujeria were blasting Brujerismo. Ahh what a memory.
Es ist wichtig zu erinnern, dass Selenskyj der Grund für Trumps erstes Amtsenthebungsverfahren war. Trump ist ein alter, böser und nachtragender Opa, der eher in eine Kneipe mit ebenso durchgeknallten Typen gehört als ins Oval Office.