Exactly. :)
Socialist Mormon Satanist. Socialist Workers Party Kopimist. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Work-free. Over 45,000 downvotes hurled at me for refusing to kneel and vote for the capitalist Duopoly. Despite the attempts to silence me, I’m still here. I won’t be stopped.
Exactly. :)
think the best we can do given the circumstances is to be careful about how we consume as that can promote apathy and further doomscrolling
Agreed. So many on Lemmy and Reddit just doomscroll all day, all night. Never looking up to see the people around them who are smiling, going on with their lives, enjoying good conversation, hugging, kissing, laughing, etc.
The world isn’t perfect. I get that. Especially depending on what country you are in.
But here in the US we have it sooooo good, it is actually rude to complain about how tough things are here, because so many other people have is way worse and actually have real problems.
Here people complain about making 80K a year on their very first jobs from college, and that their mom watches Fox News too much and/or their “all” Lemmy section has more than one post by Universal Monk. Big. Fucking. Deal. lol
When I mean “You” and “You all” I meant Lemmy in general. Not you personally. I don’t now you, have never met you, and I don’t even know your name. As obviously noted in my 2nd sentence when I said “You all.”
To qualify as slander, the statement must be spoken to others, be knowingly false, and result in harm to the person’s direct reputation. So anonymous usernames on a forum like Lemmy don’t qualify. Also, since the use of “you all” and “you” refers broadly to the public on a website, it doesn’t even come close to targeting any individual’s reputation directly.
So yeah, let’s try that suing thing.
When do ya wanna file? Let me know so I can contact my lawyers. Then we can bring to light, publically, the entire Lemmy website, all the comments on it, people who defend Luigi, etc.
So yaaaassss queeeen, let’s do that.
So when do ya wanna file?
We got a timeline?
I’m not a Trumper. I didn’t vote for Trump. I actually voted socialist party, friend.
And yep, I live here in America. Not fantasy at all. I described what was happening outside in my view just as I was writing it.
I know you won’t see this because you blocked me, but just in case I am getting in before you block, I wanted to say you made a great post! I upvoted ya.
It’s strange to me that you would block me because I think Luigi is a scumbag, but that’s totally your right. And I still think he’s a scumbag. I also feel that history will prove me right; he is not the hero you all think he is.
But the rest of your post had really great points!
I don’t give a fuck. You all joking about killing the president is fucking bullshit. So I’ll continue to report. The fact that you call it “tattle” shows how fucking cringe you extremists are.
You sure you are gonna be able to pull yourself away from Pokemon Go long enough to start a revolution, brah? lmao
Organizing for what though? What are you protesting?
Exactly. Most of the people in this thread actually seem to prefer to be depressed and doomscroll.
But life is actually pretty fucking great.
but being Luigi
You mean being a privileged, loser murdering scumbag who is gonna spend the rest of his life in prison? Because that is what he is.
There are many people being careful of what they say on public forums. Don’t let that make you think there are not people ready and willing
Good. Because I report comments hinting at or advocating violence, directly to the FBI. https://tips.fbi.gov/home
Many people seem to speak more freely over on Rednote
Oh, good to know! I’ll start up an account over there, start taking screenshots and reporting what I see there too.
Thanks, friend!
This kind of “activist” is best termed a “slacktivist”.
And they make up the majority of Lemmy! lmao
Well said!
Nah, not only am I not “losing my will to fight,” I’m having a great time. I don’t take anything online seriously.
Lemmy is NOT real life. It’s an echo-chamber full of people bitching and moaning about the world ending who just love to doomscroll, and then brag about what meds they are taking to cope. It’s fucking weird.
Meanwhile in real life in my neighborhood here in the US, people are visiting parks, flying kites with kids, taking walks with their dogs. I see kids riding their bikes to get ice cream. I hear kids on the playground nearby playing tag and laughing. Guy across the street is shooting the shit with his friends and having a beer. They invited me over for a bbq.
But according to Lemmy we’re all doomed and about to be marched into deathcamps.
Not gonna happen.
World’s not gonna end Lemmy. I promise.
Down votes are frankly unproductive. They might also encourage bad behavior, because if your goal is to stir the pot then down votes are a great indicator that it’s working.
Yep!!! :)
Great fucking post, friend. You brought up a lot of points that I never thought of.
Good on ya, mate.
Well said!!
Happens every time someone gets so mad that they decide to create an entire thread about me. And they always throw in some variation of “don’t feed the troll.”
Ok,this is feeding me. To stop feeding me, people shouldn’t argue with me and/or start threads about me.
Like wtf, mate!? Lmao
Just try blocking UniversalMonk, we all know they have dozens of accounts with hundreds of downvotes across every comment and post and yet they keep going. Or any of the conservative communities who’s total post score is in the red.
So you want this to be an echo chamber? Oh and by someone else’s count, I have over 45,000 downvotes. I even put it in my profile.
All I do is post news articles that you don’t like. I don’t advocate violence. I don’t advocate any illegal activities. I don’t even advocate anything radical.
I post shit from Daily Mail and you want me permabanned. LMAO
Ignore and move on.
I’m not going anywhere, friend. I won’t go away.
The fediverse is about diversity of thought AND opinion. And it’s awesome.
Oh and if you really want a “don’t feed the trolls” situation, maybe try not to start a fucking thread about me and give me a name shoutout in it! Thanks, amiko!
Yep! But the waiting for machines to open up, all the people around, just made it now as fun for me. My gf at the time didn’t work out.
My current gf does work out and we have been to the gym together, and that’s not so bad.
“People like” me? Care to clarify? There won’t be a “power shift.” There will be no uprising. There will be no revolution.
Maybe you can enlighten me on what will happen to people like me. I’d love to make some more FBI reports. Go on, let’s find out.