This and keep subscribing to anything that interests you
This and keep subscribing to anything that interests you
Phone bridge!? can you elaborate please?
Just install it, works pretty smoothly. I will keep an eye out for those features.
Looking at the screen shots it seems nice. I got a couple of questions: -Does it have/ have any plan to add Android auto support? -Is the APK in any play store?
Hooo, time traveling to the 90s I see. Very vintage
Honestly is not a big deal. Some specific instance might start behaving like aholes because of corporate greed or anything else.
All they can do is take their specific communities down. The affected communities can always move to other instance (that is easier than changing to a different system all together).
Changing platforms will always be harder than just switch instance because you instance changed the rules on you.
Damn with screenshots and everything. Reddit might be screwd
It’s adorable!
If this checks out, they may be in disrespect of a bunch of privacy laws including GDPR.
Thank you, this is great
I will look into FiveFilters, sounds like it would solve some issues for me. Thx
I was not familiar with App-daemon. Can you share what type of automations you are achieving that are not possible with home assistant alone? Thx
A graph would be a great new feature for sure. I’ve just been looking for the last 4 days at the numbers and it has been growing at a nice pace.
Not for users as requested, but for communities I use https://browse.feddit.de/
Well each site RSS is just an XML file, you need a reader to present it in a nice readable format. Apart from that, I have a couple hundred RSS I follow on my Miniflux instance to visit each site individualy would take for ever and I would have to memorize were I last was on each site. Hope this helps
I for one was not familiar with this and even if the source is not reliable there sure is an unhealthy amount of politics involved.