It’s a actually pretty capable device tho. It has s905x2 processor which is on par or better than RPi4.
I dont know if these devices are available worldwide, but we, Indonesian, have 2 cheap devices exactly for that. ZTE B860H V5 and HG680FJ. It’s like $10 without remote, and another $1 for the remote.
It came locked by one of our ISP, but you can easily unlock it and put anything you want in it. Linux, OpenWRT, or just regular Android TV. ROM choices are limitless.
Just another library.
It’s in Tor, and I’m impressed with all of the academic books they hold.
Are you using the driver supported by your distro? I’m not Nvidia user, but I have fair share of installing Nvidia drivers on Linux. As long as you don’t stray from driver the distro gave you, I never have problem. Literally not once.
And if you are trying to install AMD or Intel proprietary driver. Why? Just…, why?
I don’t know what average people could do to break their system, considering nowadays, it is practically impossible to break anything if you are using Software Management tool your Distro gave. I don’t say I don’t believe you. Something could break. But I suppose you are trying to do something that average Joes would not attempt.
I installed Linux on my coworkers, friends and families, and nothing break. Heck, I even gave my friend Arch Linux. I told them to only install thing from the Store and never touch command line without talking to me first. It’s been 6 months.
Linux for average people is been there. It’s ready. OnlyOffice is just like Ms. Office but Open Source. If you are willing to learn, LibreOffice is far better than Ms. Office. Linux supports all browser. KdenLive and Krita work better in Linux. GNOME is way easier to navigate than Windows, with superior gesture and beauty Windows could only dream of.
Windows has its perk, but saying Linux is hard is no longer true.
For the last two, it will more than enough. Gaming tho, it depends. If you wants emulator, Linux is THE emulator OS. For Windows game tho, if you are planning to play older game, Linux is better than Windows. Period. For newer games, like ‘just-release-game’, it is not ideal. Free to play multiplayer games, especially outside of Steam/Valve, forget it.
It is. I believe it’s one of the best thing I install on my homeserver. All my family members are now using VPN, and have their tracker and ad blocked. Since I’m the one who managed the VPS, I can just destroy all the data in it in case anything went wrong.
So, can I open only one port on my torrent app and have all the incoming connections go through it? That’s neat. Clash supports port redirection, and I think I’ll use that feature. I will give you update.
I found this anime-trackers project on github, but it doesnt help, lol.