They ripped off Stanley Parable!
They ripped off Stanley Parable!
Click-SLAP click-SLAP, click-SLAP click-SLAP
Got any reading you’d recommend? All I’m finding is some links to Ernst Mach, but they aren’t very helpful in their definition of “Machism.” Is it related to machismo in any way?
Wow does that feel worse? I mean ADHD or no, you’re still beholden to your neurology to some degree.
Even if isn’t a common diagnosis for the kind of thing you are.
I mean I boycott products if I don’t agree where the money is going. Nestle, Amazon, Israel (BDS), etc etc. Everyone who has the capacity should at the very least try to avoid funding people and projects they think are detrimental to life.
Wow thank you for sharing. I grew up poor and grubby too, but my folks were health food nuts, so I think I got spared the worst of it compared to some people I’ve seen.
I’m so glad things have got better for you.
This also with fucking hearing aids. Like yeah it sucks, but wear them - they help. I’m sick of yelling at people with clear hearing issues who are not wearing anything to help.
I think kids might. I remember reading it front to back when I was first really getting into literacy, hoping to get adults’ seemingly godlike intuition for spelling words. Still like to open it up from time to time to peruse a letter
This but with perl compatible regular expressions