I just updated my opens here’s tumbleweed install and I saw that spectacle got downgraded.
Now I see this beautiful new spectacle version and I’m like, why?
I like how the toolbars are organized more now than the way that they were.
I just updated my opens here’s tumbleweed install and I saw that spectacle got downgraded.
Now I see this beautiful new spectacle version and I’m like, why?
I like how the toolbars are organized more now than the way that they were.
Scientology taught me that lie detectors are fake. We should use E Meters instead
Got a 502 error
They’ve had a few crappy ones. There was chicken soup for the soul guy.
Was it actually a TED Talk or was it one of those TED X talks?
I knew that thing was B’s the moment I saw their demo.
Dependencies are contained in the flatpak. That’s why something like zenmap. Which requires python 2. Can run on a system that doesn’t have python 2 installes
That’s weird. I just tried to make a QR code and save it as an image and it worked just fine for me.
I know that the system monitor app that’s included in KDE has a pretty extensive custom page tracking option.
You can open it up and then put in a whole bunch of like settings in a new page and track pretty much every metric that your computer has.
It’s available on F Droid.
I really like this app, like it just works really well and it also allows you to generate barcodes too.
Oh that makes sense.
Really? Why not?
I find them incredibly useful for some applications.
For some development stuff, though, I still prefer to use the installed version.
So VS Code, for example, I have that installed.
The flat pack just does not work as well.
But Podman Desktop, which is a flat pack, is just excellent.
I battled that for about a year and then ditched Debian based diatros altogether.
OpenSUSE ftw
Fucking awesome
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Install a tool called opi
Then run opi codecs
to install the codecs you need.
I think the best viable option for them is to either offer a subscription model. Or increase requests for donations.
I tried gnome for a bit. I really liked the workflow. But the over simplification of the interface just killed me.
I got tired of it. And took the things I like from gnome and implemented them in plasma. (Swipe for virtual desktops for example)
I got a local loud mouth who listens to Infowars
I just assume the opposite of what he says is true. So far it’s working
I tried it a few years ago. Ditched it because it’s just another chromium browser.
Firefox has been my main for about 6 years now.
I fell for it because Al Swiegerts book: “Automate the boring stuff” used it in the webscrape sample.
After that I just kept using it. And felt justified in my choice when I realized the only other browsers left are chrome and Safari.
I just learned that Safari is a fork on Konquorer. So, that’s interesting.
Be more specific in what you’re looking for. I’m using software right now to post on Lemmy.