You picked a car with a small engine (for its time anyway). I don’t think a 64.5 mustang was ever considered a fast car.
You picked a car with a small engine (for its time anyway). I don’t think a 64.5 mustang was ever considered a fast car.
He came and he went
I wouldn’t say the computer adjusts the valves, variable valve timing serves a completely different function than an old fashioned valve adjustment.
It’s true that most lifters are hydraulic nowadays, and self-adjust by filling with oil. So your point still stands, it’s just mechanical, not computer controlled.
My 2017 Honda V6 does require valve adjustments, but I doubt many people actually do it themselves though. And most people probably don’t have it done at all.
(I’m a hobbyist, not a mechanic, so anyone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong)
Confections? Like donuts?
I thought MacOS being the most user friendly was its only claim to fame.
Aren’t cigarettes like $15 a pack there? That probably has something to do with it.
Every microwave I’ve had, you hit the power button then the number corresponding to the power level you want.
Lol economics is a made up science? What does that even mean? You are literally talking about economics right now. As long as money exists in any form, economics is real.
And we usually think about inflation in terms of purchasing power… How much can I buy with my paycheck? Not in terms of the value of some arbitrary element whose value is based entirely on speculation.
Also, let me repeat this again: the money supply is not literally the number of dollar bills (or gold nuggets or whatever) in circulation. It is only one of many factors.
For example: if a dollar bill changes hands 3 times in a year, it adds $1 to the salaries of 3 different people. That’s $3 added to the money supply. That isn’t propaganda, that is a factual mathematical truth.
Just because you don’t understand economics doesn’t mean it’s not real.
I may not be an expert, but I do have a minor in economics, so I have a basic understanding of the math behind it. And you aren’t going to convince me that math and statistics aren’t real.
One thing I would point out is gold is inherently deflationary, because the money supply can’t grow with the economy.
It’s not as simple as more dollar bills=inflation, less dollar bills=deflation. For one thing, if the population grows and the money supply doesn’t, everybody has less money. Also, if we have a recession and people stop spending money as quickly, the money supply goes down. Interest rates effect money supply as well. There are a ton of factors. This is not propaganda, it is basic math.
Based on your argument, do you really think someone making minimum wage in 1968 had the same purchasing power as someone making 250k in 2024? This is absurdly false.
I agree with you that the system is broken, but your numbers are completely meaningless.
Wages converted to oz of gold is a completely meaningless metric. Gold has no bearing whatsoever on the ability to purchase things and fluctuates way more than actual money.
Then what exactly is your last comment supposed to mean?
Sudo touch woman
Disturbing that you have to be a citizen to vote? I thought that was a given.
Yes, I am aware that there are a few municipalities out there that allow non citizens to vote, and I’m not necessarily opposed to that, but I do find it strange.
I certainly wouln’t move to another country and expect to be allowed to vote without being a citizen!
Inflation IS the result of supply and demand (and other market forces such as the velocity of money).
You would need a mechanism to control the value of the currency to prevent inflation. Maybe an institution that offers loans could achieve this by adjusting the interest rate.
It would have to be a government entity, you wouldn’t want this responsibility to be in the hands of anyone with a profit motive. Maybe some kind of reserve bank operated by a federal government. We could call it the Federal Reserve.
What do those two things have to do with each other?
But he’s an evil capitalist. If you aren’t fighting for violent communist revolution, you’re part of the problem!! /s
For most herds of sheep, the average is four.
If I’m not mistaken, distilled water is an insulator, but tap water is a rather good conductor.
How old are you? The idea that you’re not going to vote unless you agree with a candidate on 100% of issues seems pretty unrealistic.
I have never in my life voted for a candidate that I completely agree with. And the ones I liked most tended not to do very well, because my opinions are not representative of the population at large.
If you’re waiting until you can find a candidate who has zero positions you don’t like, you’ll be waiting until you’re dead. Good job participating in democracy!