There’s a name for this
It’s also the reason people tend to over eat at buffets
There’s a name for this
It’s also the reason people tend to over eat at buffets
Looks like you’ve paid 15 years * 12 months / year * $10 / month = $1800
Seems like you’re getting a pretty good deal!
Any alkali metal? That’s not the water exploding, that’s the metal exploding
I’m also interested. It’d be nice to have backups of the CDs I’ve bought in the past, at least
AWS glacier if you don’t mind using something as complex as AWS
Besides that hard drive disks are probably your best bet. Just need to make sure you store multiple copies in different places if you can’t replace it
Can’t speak for all publications, especially ones as non traditional as game journalism, but what people say over and over again is that the authors don’t write the headlines
Could just be luck of the draw. I’m using the same setup and sometimes I get it, sometimes I don’t
Leather is basically cellulose from animal skins
There are many other sources of cellulose from [mushrooms](Are Mushrooms the Future of Alternative Leather? to cacti to even pineapple
These are still fairly young materials and aren’t super common. You’re starting to see them more often but usually in smaller runs of more expensive brands. I personally haven’t bought any of these alternative leathers but next time I need to buy shoes I’m going to look into them again
Did you finish your song?
That sounds great! I wish I could find more videos like this, especially people who make the kind of music I want to make (sing-songwriter and groove-jazz)
I don’t know what this means
Have an up vote